Cause and Effect
Main Idea
Context Clues
Fact vs. Opinion
Character Traits
The clown did a trick on his bike. He went very fast and stood up on his seat. I am a good bike rider, but not that good. When I tried the trick, I fell off my bike. Cause: I tried to do a bicycle trick. What was the EFFECT? A. I am a good bike rider. B. The clown went very fast. C. I fell off my bike.
What is C. I fell off my bike.
In warm parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the barracuda is found. This type of fish is very mean. It is about 3 feet long. It has teeth that are like little saws. A barracuda is a fearless fish. It will attack anything that moves. What is the main idea? A. Barracudas are 3 feet long. B. Barracudas are fearless fish. C. Barracudas have teeth.
What is B. Barracudas are fearless fish.
The medicine that people swallow is used to keep them healthy or to cure their sickness. The strange thing about medicine is that if you take too much, it can be toxic. It might damage your body and harm you. What is the meaning of toxic? A. Healthy B. Helpful C. Poisonous
What is C. Poisonous
With our soap in, the dirt is out. It makes your whole wash the cleanest and the freshest. It is the best soap in Walmart. This story states: A. Fact B. Opinion
What is B. Opinion
Mary had been trying to solve the same math problem for an hour. She kept writing and rewriting the problem over and over again. When she kept getting the wrong answer, she put her hands on her head, leaned back in her chair and said, “I quit!!!! I will never get it right!!!” Then she tore up the paper and threw it away. Mary felt ___________ trying to solve the problem. A. Sad B. Frustrated C. Tired D. Worried
What is B. Frustrated
The woman wore a wig and red dress. She did not want us to know she was there. When she saw us, she tried to hide her face. Cause: The woman did not want us to know she was there. What was the EFFECT? A. She took off her wig. B. She tried to hide her face. C. She wore a red dress.
What is C. She wore a red dress.
Eskimos have a special kind of boat called a kayak. Kayaks have been used for many years. They are usually made of sealskin. Only one person can ride in the boat. To move the boat, a paddle is used. What is the main idea? A. The Eskimos canoe is made of sealskin. B. Eskimos use a canoe called a kayak. C. Eskimos have used canoes for many years.
What is B. Eskimos use a canoe called a kayak.
Most of my friends like to go swimming. We also like to play ball. That is why we were so eager to go when my mother and father said that they would take us to the park. What is the meaning of the word eager? A. Very upset B. Very interested C. Very tired
What is B. Very interested
Which sentence states a fact? A. These shoes are made of leather. B. These shoes are very pretty. C. Everyone is wearing fancy shoes today.
What is A. These shoes are made of leather.
Jose was jumping up and down and watching out the window. He could not wait for his mother to get home. She was bringing his new baby sister home for the first time. He wanted to see her and play with her for the first time. He checked the clock and counted down the minutes until it was finally 4:00 p.m. Jose was ____________ to see his new baby sister. A. Upset B. Disappointed C. Amused D. Excited
What is D. Excited
The rain caused the creek to rise. Water covered the bridge. A car drove down the road. When it got to the bridge, the car was stuck. Effect: The car was stuck at the bridge. What was the CAUSE? A. Rain caused the creek to rise. B. The car drove down the flooded road. C. The creek was almost dry.
What is B. The car drove down the flooded road.
Have you ever seen a dog swim? Dogs, like most animals, know how to swim by instinct. That means the dog is born knowing how to swim. The dog may not like to swim, but it does know how to when necessary. What is the main idea? A. The dog may not like to swim. B. People do not know how to swim automatically. C. Dogs are born knowing how to swim.
What is C. Dogs are born knowing how to swim.
When I walked into the house an hour ago, my siblings were yelling and screaming at each other. My father got angry at them for fighting and yelled too. Now that the fighting is over, it is calm in the house. What is the meaning of the word calm? A. Noisy B. Soft C. Peaceful
What is C. Peaceful
Which sentence states a fact? A. All children love skateboards. B Every child should own a skateboard. C. Skateboards have wheels.
What is C. Skateboards have wheels.
Kammy packed her own bag and put her pajamas, toothbrush, and favorite teddy bear in the bag. It was her first sleepover. She had never spent the night away from her home or family before. Kammy was not sure about what the night would be like at Christy’s house. She wanted to go, but she did not want her mother to leave. Spending the night at her friend’s house made Kammy __________. A. Relaxed B. Nervous C. Sad D. Courteous
What is B. Nervous
Only the best drivers can race cars. The cars move very fast. There is a chance of fire if a car crashes. Auto racing is one of the most dangerous sports. Effect: Auto racing is dangerous. What was the CAUSE? A. The cars go fast and there is a chance of fire. B. Only the best drivers race cars. C. If a car crashed, the driver must jump out.
What is A. The cars go fast and there is a chance of fire.
Starfish are not really fish at all. Starfish come in many colors. Many starfish have 5 arms. If it loses an arm, it will grow another one. Starfish eat clams and oysters. What is the main idea? A. A starfish is really not a fish. B. Starfish can regrow arms. C. Starfish each clams and oysters.
What is B. Starfish can regrow arms.
Everyone in my family knows that I like to read. If I am reading, I do not like to be interrupted. If someone comes into my room, I tell him to come back when I am not busy. What is the meaning of interrupted? A. Stopped in the middle B. caught C. Beaten
What is A. Stopped in the middle
Spend your holiday at our hotel. You will have the time of your life. We have everything to make you happy. This story states: A. Fact B. Opinion
What is B. Opinion
Daisey worked hard at every practice she went to. She kicked the soccer ball in her front yard for about an hour each day. When her coach told her she needed to fix things, she listened carefully and did what he said. It did not matter if it was cold or hot, or rainy or sunny. Daisey was always ready to go play soccer, no matter what the weather. Daisey was a very _____________ soccer player. A. Silly B. Dedicated C. Poor D. Lazy
What is B. Dedicated
Jaspar lives in a big apartment house. He lives on the 10th floor. Last night, Jaspar walked up all nine flights of stairs. He was very tired when he got home. Cause: Jaspar walked up nine flights of stairs. What was the EFFECT? A. He lives in a big apartment. B. He lives on the 10th floor. C. He was tired when he got home.
What is C He was tired when he got home.
Tokyo, Japan is a city known for many reasons. It is the capital city of Japan. More people live in Tokyo than any other city in the world. Tokyo is not a very old city. It is only about 500 years old. What is the main idea? A. It is about 500 years old. B. Tokyo, the largest city in the world, is a young city. C. Tokyo is known for many reasons.
What is C. Tokyo is known for many reasons.
My family wanted to go to the Bronx Zoo. The night before the trip, I caught a bad cold. I regretted that my sickness kept my family from having a good time. What is the meaning of regretted? A. Felt happy B. Felt hot C. Felt sorry
What is C. Felt sorry
Which of these statements is an opinion? A. People use toothpaste for preventing tooth decay. B. Many brands of toothpaste are available. C. Mint flavored toothpaste tastes the best.
What is C. Mint flavored toothpaste tastes the best.
As soon as Christiana got home, she would always put her backpack away and get started on her homework quickly. She knew that she only had an hour to do her work, so she did not waste any time. She did not turn the television or the radio on because she knew it would distract her from her work. She did not stop until she was done with everything. Christiana is a very _____________ student. A. Focused B. Silly C. Tired D. Lazy
What is A. Focused