Start of the Day
Leaving the Classroom
When I'm Teaching
End of the Day

How do I enter the classroom and what do you do first?

Enter quietly, hang up your backpack and jacket, and put your snack in your desk.


When getting ready to leave the classroom, what should I listen for first?

My table number to be called.


What type of listener should I be while the teacher is teaching and what does that look like?

I should be an active listener and it looks like this.


True or False: I should only have the materials on my desk that I need for THAT lesson. 

True. Other objects take away from my learning.


At the end of the day, what do I do once my table number is called?

I should go and quietly get my backpack and lunchbox if I have one.


True or False: I should read the morning slide each morning and complete the required tasks.



True or False: I should push my chair in EVERY TIME I leave your seat. Bonus: How do I push in my chair?



Where should my eyes be when the teacher is teaching or someone is speaking?

On the teacher or the speaker.


What level should my voice be at when completing classwork and where should my focus be?

Voices should be off or if working with a partner or small group, at a conversation level. Focus is on the task and completing it to the best of my ability. 


True or False:

I should leave a mess on my desk and the floor around my desk.

False. My desk should be clear and the floor should be clean.


What is the first thing I should do after taking my seat in the morning?

Complete my morning work.


How do I walk to my spot in line and which direction do I face?

Silently and face straight ahead looking at the back of the head of the person in front of me.


True or False:  It is o.k. to interrupt the teacher's lesson at any time.

False. It is only ok to interrupt the teacher if it is an emergency.


What should I do if I need help?

Skip the ones you don't know for now and re-read the directions. If I am still stuck, I can ask three before the teacher. 3 before Me!


What should I do every evening to continue my learning?

I should read 20 or more minutes a night and practice my math facts. Also, if I have a review sheet, I should complete that as well and return it the following day. 


What should I do if you finish my morning work?

Read a book or complete any missing work.


What should my body look like walking in the hall?

Hands to my sides or behind my back and VOICES OFF.


What should I do if a classmate is taking away from my learning by talking, making noises, leaving their seat, etc.?

I should redirect them using my thumb signal politely and if it continues, ask them politely to stop. If it continues, the teacher will deal with it. 


What is something I can do if I finish my work early?

Read a book, finish any missing work, or practice my math facts.


What is one thing I can do to make tomorrow a better day?

Answer will vary


True or false: It is not o.k. to sharpen my pencils or use the restroom during our morning meeting.

False. This is a great time to sharpen my pencils and use the restroom.


True or False: When walking down the hall, I should walk in a zigzag and make as much noise as possible.

FALSE. I should walk in a straight line and be silent so other classrooms can learn. 


Is it ok to sharpen a pencil while the teacher is speaking?

No. Sharpening pencils should be done at the start of the day, in between lessons, or at the end of the day.  


What do I do if I do not complete my work or task?

Put my work in the folder that matches the lesson and complete it during read-aloud or during Friday Fun Club. 


What is one thing that makes our class a family?

Answers will vary
