What is the first task you should do when entering the classroom?
Lunch count
When can you interrupt the teacher while she is instructing?
Only if it is an emergency
Where should your supplies be at all times?
When should you have your chromebook?
Only when asked to get it.
How should you walk in the hallway (alone or with class)
At zero! No talking whatsoever! Walking feet. Hands and feet to yourself (not on the wall or others)
When should you sharpen pencils for the day?
How should you care for your desk, chair, books, etc?
With respect. It is the school's property.
Who is responsible for keep track of your books, papers, assignments and supplies?
What websites are you allowed to be on?
Only the websites you are asked to be on at that time and the websites on the "allowed website" poster.
When using the restroom, what should always happen when you are finished?
Wash hands (1 or 2 pumps of soap only), towel dry (only 2 pumps). Throw trash in trash can.
If you need to use the restroom, how should you ask?
Raise hand with pointer finger
During reading rotations, what should be the level of your voice?
Partner voice only.
How should your locker look?
Tidy and neat! No food or soiled clothing should be left in your locker.
How should your chromebook be carried?
With 2 hands on each side.
When should you line up at recess?
As soon as the whistle blows, stop playing and come quickly to line in number order, no talking.
When announcements come on, what should you do?
Stop talking, freeze in your spot, listen attentively, stop any other activity.
When participating in class discussions, when should you speak?
After raising your hand and being called on
When should you have your parents look through your folder?
Each night! That is your responsibility to make sure your parents/guardians remove all papers and look through them.
How should your chromebook be put away?
In the cart in your numbered space
At lunch, how should you dump your trash/tray and line up?
Dump all trash and remaining food into the trash can, pick up all trash in your area, line up without talking.
When should you be out of your seat?
Only when teacher has given instructions to do so.
If you need help with an assignment or have questions, how should ask?
Ask 3 before me. Ask a peer, another adult in the room (if one is here) then raise hand and ask teacher.
When should homework be completed?
Please try to have homework completed and brought back the following day.
How should you listen to sound on your chromebook?
With headphones or earbuds.
During a drill, what is the expectation?
Remain calm, first person grabs the green tub, walk QUIETLY to your destination in a line. Stay quiet during the entire drill!