How do you know if a level is balance?
The liquid in the level will make bubbles in between the lines
What type of insect did we foster for part of this school year?
Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches
What is the second stage of the mealworm's life cycle?
What is the weather right now?
Let's look out the window
What is Miss Looney's first name?
What is a PUSH or PULL of an object?
How old are the cicadas coming out of the ground?
17 years
What is something that helps an animal to survive?
What is weather?
What is Miss Looney's favorite animal?
a giraffe
What is a force that works AGAINST MOTION?
What were the names of our cockroaches?
Blaze, Kitkat and Spongebob
Why do some animals live in groups?
survival, protection, food
What is climate?
climate is the weather over time
What is Miss Looney's favorite ice cream?
Chocolate and Peanut Butter
Why does a rolling ball stop?
Were the cockroaches we had in class males or females?
What is one way that mealworms body helps them to survive?
What are some tools scientists use to measure weather?
thermometer, rain guage, wind sock
What are Miss Looney's nephew's names?
Eddie, Ollie
What pulls a ball back to earth?
What's the name of the cicada shell?
What do Wisconsin Fast Plants need to survive?
What is Miss Looney's favorite insect?