Revise and Edit

Rewrite the italic words as a contraction.

They are very smart girls. 



On a blazing hot summer day, the Johnson family piled into their rusty, old station wagon. Behind Mom and Dad sat Joseph and Jeffrey. Then Julie and Jolene in the row in between. Next came Jocelyn, Justin, and Jackson, all crowded in back. They were headed to Zindel’s Ice Cream Shoppe. When they got to Zindel’s, they joined the end of a long line winding halfway down the block.

What does the long line tell the reader about Zindel's Ice Cream Shoppe?

A.The shoppe is a very large building.

B. The Johnsons do not like waiting in line.

C.Many people enjoy Zindel's ice cream.

D.There are many cars are in the parking lot.

C.Many people enjoy Zindel's ice cream.

It is my belief that students should 

wear uniforms to school daily. First of all, 

students would focus more on their 

academics than on their clothing. 

Therefore, they would be more successful in 

class and get better grades. In addition, 

students and parents wouldn’t have to 

worry about constantly buying new clothes 

and keeping up with trends. Parents would 

be able to save their money. Finally, if 

students wore uniforms, they wouldn’t have 

to waste time in the morning picking out 

clothes. Parents and students would be 

happier because there would be less 

fighting and hurrying in the morning. I have 

been a principal for over ten year, and it is 

my professional opinion that wearing 

uniforms to school would be beneficial for 

both students and their parents.

What is the principal’s claim?

A. Students should be able to dress 

however they want.

B. Students should wear uniforms daily.

C. Students will be happier.

B. Students should wear uniforms daily.


Which punctuation belongs at the end of the sentence?

"Have you been to the park"

A) Question Mark (?)

B) Period (.)

C) Exclamation mark (!)

A) Question Mark (?)


Correctly fill in the blank:

I want to go to the beach ____!






What does reheat mean?

A) before you heat something

B)Heat again

C) Do not heat

B) Heat again


“There’s Curly Curly Cinnamon Swirl, Marshmallow Puff Surprise, and Apple Pie Delight,” said Joseph. “Double Double Fudge Brownie, Blueberry Bumble, or Peachy Keen Cobbler,” added Jeffrey. Jackson said, “But I don’t know what I want.” The line moved forward. Now the Johnsons could see through the window into the shop. Soon they would need to place their order. They repeated their plea, “Jackson, Jackson, make up your mind!” Julie read from the sign behind the counter. “Now, Jackson, you can choose Mandarin Orange Parfait, Chocolate Cherry Cupcake, or Cotton Candy Swirl.”

Why might Jackson be struggling to choose an ice cream flavor?

A.There are too few flavors to choose from.

B.He wants a flavor Zindel's does not have.

C.There are too many flavors to choose from.

D.He does not like ice cream as much as his siblings.

C.There are too many flavors to choose from.

It is my belief that students should 

wear uniforms to school daily. First of all, 

students would focus more on their 

academics than on their clothing. 

Therefore, they would be more successful in 

class and get better grades. In addition, 

students and parents wouldn’t have to 

worry about constantly buying new clothes 

and keeping up with trends. Parents would 

be able to save their money. Finally, if 

students wore uniforms, they wouldn’t have 

to waste time in the morning picking out 

clothes. Parents and students would be 

happier because there would be less 

fighting and hurrying in the morning. I have 

been a principal for over ten year, and it is 

my professional opinion that wearing 

uniforms to school would be beneficial for 

both students and their parents.


All of these are evidence that supports 

the principal’s claim EXCEPT?

A. Students would be less hurried in the 


B. Parents would save money on clothing.

C. Students will be less likely to get 

bullied at school.

C. Students will be less likely to get 

bullied at school.


Rewrite the sentence with the correct capitalization and punctuation 

amy is a student at galena park elementary 

Amy is a student at Galena Park Elementary.


I just read a very interesting article titled "Texas forest resources"

What change, if any, should be made?

A) Change very to vary

B) Change forest resources to Forest Resources

C) Change interesting to interestting

D) No change is needed

B) Change forest resources to Forest Resources


What does conflict mean?

A) A fact

B) A Problem

C) What you think?


I’m grateful for the bouncy way your four legs lead me on a race at this wild, impossible pace that invites me to run, leap, play!

I can’t imagine a whole day of dull commands like down, sit, stay.

I love the colorful array of trees and birds in each new place, as your swift legs lead the footrace back home to our restful doorway

Who is the speaker addressing in the poem?

A) Their Ball

B) Their Dog

C)Their Owner

D) Their sibling

B) Their Dog


I do my chores each Saturday. First I fold the laundry and put it away. Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside to play.

What is the main idea of the text?

A. Chores are important.

B. Having to do your chores before you play.

C. Playing outside

D.Having fun on a Saturday

B. Having to do your chores before you play.


Write the conjunction

I wanted to go to bed early, but I had a lot of homework. 



Mr. Logan said that many Texans dont even know that Texas has great forest areas.

A) Change many to meny

B) Change dont to don't

C) Change know to no

D) Make no change

B) Change dont to don't


There is a book that belongs to you in the classroom if you would like to pick it up before you go home.

What is the meaning of the word belongs?

A) To be owned by 

B) To forget 

A) To be owned by


I’m grateful for the bouncy way your four legs lead me on a race at this wild, impossible pace that invites me to run, leap, play!

I can’t imagine a whole day of dull commands like down, sit, stay.

I love the colorful array of trees and birds in each new place, as your swift legs lead the footrace back home to our restful doorway

The central message of the poem is —

A. spending time with animals can be joyful.

B. you must learn the rules first to have fun playing.

C. to be healthy and happy, you should exercise every day.

D. learning about others can help you learn about yourself.

A. spending time with animals can be joyful.


I do my chores each Saturday. First, I fold the laundry and put it away. Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside to play.

What was the first chore they had to do?

fold the laundry


Circle the Verb

Lily and Lincoln rode their bikes to the park.



What is the correct way to write sentence 17?

A And was even thinking about running. Up the next stalk of grass.

B I was even thinking about running up the next stalk of grass.

C I was even thinking about running, I would go up the next stalk of grass.

D Sentence 17 is written correctly in the story.

B I was even thinking about running up the next stalk of grass.


What does careless mean?

A)To care a lot

B)to not care

B)to not care


I’m grateful for the bouncy way your four legs lead me on a race at this wild, impossible pace that invites me to run, leap, play!

I can’t imagine a whole day of dull commands like down, sit, stay.

I love the colorful array of trees and birds in each new place, as your swift legs lead the footrace back home to our restful doorway

As it is used in line 3, "pace" most closely means —

A. to walk back and forth.

B. the speed of moving.

C. to take a long step.

D. the act of trotting.

B. the speed of moving.


I do my chores each Saturday. First, I fold the laundry and put it away. Then I sweep and mop the kitchen floor. After that, I empty all the garbage cans and the recycling. Finally, when all of my chores are finished, I can go outside to play.

What text structure is used in the paragraph?

A. Compare and contrast

B. Description

C.Problem and solution



Complete sentence or Fragment?

She went to the



What is the correct way to write sentences 13 and 14?

A  If we had a rock-climbing wall on our playground, it could also be used for PE classes.

B  We could have a rock-climbing wall on our playground. Which could also be

used for PE classes.

C  We could have a rock-climbing wall on our playground, it could also be used

for PE classes.

D  The sentences are written correctly in the paper.

A  If we had a rock-climbing wall on our playground, it could also be used for PE classes.
