States of Matter REVIEW I
States of Matter REVIEW II
Chemical Properties/Changes
Give me Examples!

What happens when you increase thermal energy in an item?

Thermal energy can cause matter to melt and evaporate!

What do the particles look like in a solid?
Close together and moving very slowly

All elements are made up of one or more elements. An element is what?

An element is a pure form of matter in which all the atoms are the same kind. 


What is a Chemical Property?

Is a property that describes how one kind of matter can react with other kinds of matter.


What happens to copper over time?

HINT: pennies and the statue of liberty are made of copper!

They can turn green!!

What are the different ways items can move from solid to liquid to gas? 

What is condensation? A. liquid - heat = solid B. gas - heat = liquid C. solid + heat = liquid D. liquid + heat = gas
Condensation is B. gas - heat = liquid

Scientists group all elements in this table called a _____________________.  The elements are organized by the number of ______ it has.

Periodic Table of Elements. (An arrangement of the elements that gives information about their atoms and its properties. The number at the top of the box of each element is its proton number. 


A chemical change is what?

A change in matter where new matter is formed. *Different than a physical change as in a chemical change the properties are different between the start and end.

In a physical change, it is easily reversible and nothing new is created


How does rust form?

When IRON gets in contact with water of some sort.

Name an example of each of the following: Melting Freezing Evaporation Condensation
Melting- a popsicle drips on your shirt Freezing- put water in the freezer to make ice cubes Evaporation- the water spilled on the sidewalk disappears Condensation- water is on the outside of my cold water bottle

The energy of moving particples in all matter is ______________

Thermal Energy!


When an element is in the same _____ as another element it has very similar properties. 

column or group


What types of chemical changes take place inside your home? Inside YOU?

Home: cooking, burning fuel (gas burning makes energy), using batteries (to produce electricity).

Body: After food is eaten, it is changed chemically into new matter that your body can use for energy and growth. 

Also Fireworks!!


Give me examples of elements in the periodic table. One nonmetal and one metal!

What do the particles look like in a liquid?
Kind of close together, and moving a little fast

A change in the size, shape, form of matter is called ............

Physical Change!!

Same matter, just different way of seeing it!


A compound is what? Give me an example of it. 

A substance made of 2 or more elements that are joined together. They are very different than the elements that make it up.

For example, Water is a compound made of elements Oxygen and Hydrogen. 

Another example is Salt. It is a compound made of Sodium and Chlorine. 

Another example is calcium carbonate. It is a compound made by calcium and chlorine. 


Compounds and Elements are both made up of what?



What kind of chemical change can happen to wood? What kind of physical change?

Chemical Change: It can burn!

Physical change: It can be chopped!

What do the particles in a gas look like?
Spread apart and moving super fast

If I add thermal energy to an object, what will happen to the atoms?

 What will happen if I take away thermal energy?

If I add thermal energy: The atoms will move faster apart and further. 

If I take it away: the atoms will move slower and come closer. 


How are mixtures and compounds different?

A compound is made up of 2 or more elements joined together. A mixture is made up of 2 or more substances physically combined. 

Are compounds and elements the same?

no of course not! 

A compound can be very different than the element that made them. Take water. Water is H20, made of hydrogen and oxygen, but it is a liquid and very different than Hydrogen and Oxygen by itself. 


Silver is shiny but over time sometimes it gets dull and has a dark coating. The silver is _______.

