To spell something wrong
What is misspell?
To read something wrong
What is misread?
The most loud
What is loudest?
The most high
What is highest?
What is pay?
To judge something wrong
What is misjudge?
To match something wrong
What is misread?
the most strong
What is strongest?
The most great
What is greatest?
The root word of misspell
What is spell?
To not like something
What is dislike?
To stop doing something
What is discontinue?
Without rest
What is restless?
Without fear
What is fearless?
The root word of preheat
What is heat?
To not appear
What is disappear?
To not agree
What is disagree?
Without taste
What is tasteless?
Without end
What is endless?
The root word of dislike
What is like?
To view something before others
What is preview?
School for children before Kindergarten
What is preschool?
More fast
What is faster?
More hot
What is hotter?
The root word of strongest
What is strong?