Name our three rhythm syllables we've learned so far.
Ta, Ta-Di, Shh
Name three sol fege syllables!
So, la, mi, do, re
Finish the Lyric: Somewhere Over the ______.
Show me a pattern of 3 with strong and weak beats.
Stand on one foot and sing Ring Around the Rosey.
Nice going!
Are these two patterns the same or different?
Show me the hand signs for this pattern: so, mi, la, la, so
Which TV show featured Jupiter from Holst's "The Planets"?
Show me a pattern of 2 with strong and weak beats.
Sing your favorite Disney song.
Generate a different pattern than what Miss O'Connor chants.
Sing this pattern: so, la, so, so, mi
What is the Scarecrow looking for in The Wizard of Oz?
A brain.
Name three string instruments.
Name 5 movies with music in them.
Right on!
Compose a four beat pattern using our rhythm syllables.
If a melody is soft or medium soft, which dynamic levels would it be at?
piano or mezzo piano
What kind of music did Aaron Copland write?
Perform On A Mountain while marching.
Well done!
Name our three musicians of the month so far this year!
LMM, Grieg, Flor de Toloache
How many short sounds are in the phrase "Chattanooga"
If a melody is loud or medium loud, which dynamic levels would it be at?
forte or mezzo forte
Which planet is the Bringer of Peace?
Sing Shake Them Simmons with one of the movements.
Very good!
Make up a song about your classroom teacher.