The name of the people Prophet Shu'ayb was sent to.
What are the people of Madyan
The time Prophet Muhammad pbuh started calling people to Islam openly.
What is three years after the first revelation?
The man who put the insides of a camel on Prophet Muhammad pbuh while he was in sajdah.
Who is Uqbah ibn Abi Mu'ayt?
The name of the tribe that abused the Muslims because of their religion.
What is Quraysh?
In Arabic, the word for traveling from one place to another.
What is Hijrah?
The stand out trait of the people Prophet Shu'ayb preached to.
What is they were greedy people?
The name of mountain Prophet Muhammad pbuh climbed up and started calling people for da’wah.
What is As-Safa?
The person who took off the came insides from Prophet Muhammad pbuh's back.
Who is Fatimah (ra)?
The religion of the ruler of Abyssinia at the time the Muslims migrated there.
What is Christianity?
The six pillars of Emaan.
What are the belief in Allah swt, the angels, the prophets, the books, the day of judgement, and fate good or bad?
These are the things they did to cheat others.
What is use the scale to measure incorrectly and hide the faults of their goods?
Prophet Muhammad pbuh's young cousin.
Who is Ali (ra)?
The man who became a Muslim and his mom locked him in the house because of that.
Who is Mus'ab (ra)?
The name of the Christian ruler of Abyssinia who protected the Muslims after their migration.
Who is Najashi?
In arabic, the term for standing in salah.
What is qiyam?
He belonged to the family of another prophet.
Who is Prophet Ibrahim (as)?
He was the uncle of Prophet Muhammad pbuh who protected him against the abuse of Quraysh.
Who is Abu Talib?
The phrase Bilal (ra) repeated when his master would make lie on the burning sand and tell him to follow his religion.
What is "Ahad, Ahad"?
The number of the first group of muslims that migrated to Abyssinia.
What is 16?
The prophet sent to the people of Ad.
Who is prophet Hud (as)?
The way Allah swt punished them.
What is an earthquake?
The Arabic term for calling people to Islam.
What is da'wah?
The name of the parents of Ammar (ra).
Who are Sumayyah (ra) and Yasir (ra)?
The number of men and number of women in the first group that migrated to Abyssinia.
What is 12 men and 4 women?
The person killed in the world.
Who is Habil?