Rules of World of Work
What is the 1st Rule of World of Work?
Pay Yourself First
Your abuela (grandmother) gives you $10.00 for your birthday. How much do you save?
You save at least $1.00. You can save more. The financial rule is that you save 10% or more of your income.
What is a budget?
A budget is a set amount of money that you are going to spend.
You work in the zoo and take care of the animal's health. What are you?
We spent a whole class on one career. What was it?
City planning.
What is the 2nd rule of World of Work?
Work at what you love.
Why do we save money and then give some of it to charity?
Charity helps our community.
You have worked on a budget for the week. You are using your allowance money of $12.00 a week. You don't have enough money to buy everything you want. What do you do?
You can: 1. Change your budget and not spend so much on each item. 2. You can get a job and earn more money 3. There is no number 3! Unless you want to go into debt.
You carry a computer, work in a really comfortable chair, and develop video games for the military. What is your skill? In other words, what do you need to know how to do?
What is the first thing you do when you want to start a business.
Make a plan.
You get money for your birthday. What do you do?
Pay Yourself First - Save some money.
We watched a video where the kid had three kinds of piggy banks (they were jars). Name those three piggy banks
They were: 1. Savings 2. Spending 3. Giving
Explain under budget. Explain what it is and tell if it is good thing or a bad thing.
When you spend less money than you planned and yes it is a good thing!
You mix chemicals to find new medicines. What are you?
Scientist - more specifically a chemist.
Come up with a 3rd Rule for World of Work - If it's good I will use it my lesson plans. (Every team participates in this one)
Team that comes up with the best rule wins these points.
You love animals and children. Name two places where you would love to work.
Answers will vary.
Name 5 banks where you can save your money.
Answers will vary: Bank of America, Wells, Fargo, Chase, Navy Federal, Bank of California, Mission Federal, Union Bank etc...
Give an example of being over budget. What can you do when you are over budget.
Being over budget is when you spend more money than you planned. To fix that - shop for the best price, wait and save your money, or don't buy every item you want.
You love children, animals, and being outside. What do you do?
Answers will vary: Park ranger, zoo keeper, animal trainer, working at Sea World, teaching, and more
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!! Name the two building zones we name in class. 1 zone is where houses, apartments, and condos go. The other zone is where businesses go.
1. Residential 2. Commercial
You need to go to college. Where are you going to get the money for college.
From you savings. You can get a loan from the government but you will still need your savings.
We had a worksheet that discussed 4 ways to save money. Name those 4 ways
1. Turn off the lights, water, whatever you are not using. 2. Shop for the best price 3. Buy in bulk 4. Put money in the bank
You are teaching a 2nd grade about money. What is the first thing you teach them about budgeting.
Answers will vary.
You really love the work you do but you keep making mistakes. What should you do?
Keep working and keep learning.
Add one quarter, three dimes, 2 pennies, 4 dollars, 2 more quarters, five nickels and 4 more pennies. What is the amount?