P45 Q1
Rewrite the instructions so that they use formal language.
"You can't mix the salt and chocolate together!"
The salt and chocolate must not be mixed together.
P46 Q1
Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase from the box.
"It means trickery, double dealing."
P47 Q1
What prefix "means against, opposed"?
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"You couldn't be that messy!"
You could not be that messy.
What is a word with en as it's suffix.
ex. wooden
P45 Q2
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"If you score more runs than the other team, that's awesome!"
Try to score more runs than the other team to win.
P46 Q2
Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase from the box.
"It means: Get out of bed and prepare for work."
rise and shine
P47 Q2
What prefix "means before"?
What suffix means "can be done."
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"What are you doing bruh."
What are you doing?
P45 Q3
Rewrite the instructions so that they use formal language.
"inside the oven."
Place the pizza inside the oven.
P46 Q3
Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase from the box.
"It means: keep quiet, say nothing."
mum's the word
P47 Q1
What word has anti as it's prefix?
ex. antisocial
P47 Q1
What word uses anti as it's prefix?
ex. antidote
what is a suffix with en as it's suffix.
Rewrite the instructions so that they use formal language.
"Don't touch the pan until it cools!"
Do not touch the pan until it has cooled.
P46 Q4
Fill in each blank with the correct word or phrase from the box.
"It means to finish work for the day or to work quickly and complete a task."
knock off
P47 Q2
What word uses ante as it's prefix?
ex. antebellum
What suffix means "made of."
What is a word with the suffix able at the end.
ex. believable.
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"Don't go down that road man!"
Do not go down that road.
"What means: You decided to do something difficult even though you didn't want to."
Bite the bullet
What word uses ante as it's prefix?
ex. antedate
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"There isn't a way to get into the museum."
There is not a way to get into the museum.
Rewrite the instructions so that they use Formal Language.
"Wasn't there some cake here?"
"Was there not some cake here?"