Great Depression
People of the 1930s-50s
Early Cold War
Overspeculation in the stock market, over production of consumer goods, buying stocks on Margin and ultimately the crash of the stock market all caused.....
What is The Great Depression?
This commander of US Army forces in the Pacific against the Japanese said "I shall return" when he left the Philippines as the Japanese overran the country.
Who was General Douglas MacArthur?
The six years that WWII occurred.
What was 1939-1945?
This form of Government was a huge source of contention for the US after the Russian revolution in 1917 and continued to be a source of tension until 1991 when the USSR fell.
What is Communism?
The early cold war policy of America to keep Communism from spreading its influence after WWII....
What was containment?
This law sought to deport many Mexicans back to Mexico to ease competition for the scarce jobs during the Great Depression.
What is The Mexican Repatriation Act
This Native Texan was the an Admiral in the US Navy and worked with the Army to defeat the Japanese in the Pacific.
Who was Chester Nimitz?
When WWII broke out in Europe, President Roosevelt declared that the US would be......
What is Neutral?
The famous "plan" pledged American money and machinery to help rebuild ALL of Europe after WWII.
What was the Marshall Plan?
This US President pledged that we would send money and troops anywhere in the world that Communism tried to spread and Greece and Turkey were the first two recipients....
Who was Harry S. Truman?
This US President tried to "pack" the Supreme Court so that his New Deal programs could survive.
Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?
This US Senator from Wisconsin whipped the country into an anti-communist frenzy after WWII claiming that he had a list of communists that had infiltrated the US Government specifically the State Department.
Who was Joseph McCarthy?
This famous battle in 1942 was a turning point in WWII in the Pacific when the US destroyed the Japanese aircraft carriers that led the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 thus putting Japan on the defensive for the rest of the war.
What was the Battle of Midway?
In 1957, the Soviet Union launched this first craft into outer space prompting the start of the Space Race.
What was Sputnik?
This first armed conflict of the Cold War never officially ended, both sides merely signed a "Cease-Fire" that divides the country into the communist North and democratic South.
What is the Korean War?
The three "R's" of this are... Relief, Recovery, and Reform.
What was the New Deal?
This famous doctor devised the polio vaccine in the 1950s.
Who was Dr. Jonas Salk?
This secretive plan to build the Atomic Bombs began under FDR and entire towns existed "off the grid" to construct these!
What was the Manhattan Project?
This very popular advancement in technology of the late 1940s and early 1950s replaced the radio as the main source of entertainment in American households... It is still hugely important still today!
What is the Television?
This was the Allied response to Joseph Stalin's blockade of the city of West Berlin in 1948 when Stalin tried to muscle the allies out of West Berlin and claim the entire city for the Communist Soviet Union.
What was the Berlin Airlift?
This New Deal Agency was authorized to make loans to banks, railroads, life insurance companies, and other large businesses devastated by the Great Depression.
What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation?
This US President faced Communism in Cuba with the Bay of Pigs invasion and led the US in helping to avert nuclear war during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
Who was John Fitzgerald Kennedy?
Presidential order signed in February 1942 declaring the entire West Coast of the US as a military zone and thus ALL Japanese Americans had to reside in the Japanese Internment camps for the rest of WWII.
What was Executive Order 9066?
In 1958 the US Government created this "Space Agency" to explore outer space and out do the Soviets in the Space Race.....
What is NASA (National Aeronautics And Space Agency)?
This famous "Bill" helped returning soldiers from WWII to go to college, get a loan to start a business and get loans to help them to buy a house and to realize the "American Dream"...
What is the GI Bill or GI Bill of Rights?