Your Type of "Works"
Watch Your Tone with Me?
These Are "Of the Times"...Period
"No Problem...It's Just a Pattern!"
"What??? You Didn't Know...I Am the Grammar GURU!"
This particular type of work has several related meanings: a daily record of events or business; a private entry usually referred to as a diary, a newspaper or other periodical, in the literal sense of one published each day.
What is personal journal?
This tone word means "illustrating innermost thoughts and emotions."
What is reflective tone?
This period of time is an artistic, literary, and intellectual movement that originated in Europe toward the end of the 18th century and in most areas was at its peak in the approximate period from 1800 to 1850.
What is the Romanticism period?
This organizational pattern in writing means to contrast something; to look for differences among two or more elements, but it also has a side where you do the opposite and look for similarities. Remember that contrast comes from the Latin root contra, and means "against."
What is Comparison and Contrast?
Neither the pilot nor the attendants gave__________ opinion about the mishap. You must say, "What is the pronoun__________?"
What is the pronoun their?
This type of work is a statement of opinion by a magazine or newspaper editor or a television or radio station. An example would be an article written by the editor of a newspaper detailing his opinion on something.
What is editorial commentary?
This tone word is where the writer values his or her subject and thinks it is important for his or her readers. Information about the subject is presented in a straightforward, helpful manner.
What is instructive tone?
This time period is where a member of a group of Protestants that arose in the 16th century within the Church of England, demanding the simplification of doctrine and worship, and greater strictness in religious discipline: during part of the 17th century they became a powerful political party.
What is the Puritanism period?
This pattern is when one idea or event follows another in chronological, causal, or logical order; the order in which this occurs.
What is Time Sequence?
Each of these companies had____________ books audited. You must say, "What is the pronoun__________?"
What is pronoun its?
This type of work is a short account of some aspect of the writer's life. It may include a brief description of the writer's experiences,hobbies,interests and some memorable events. Another term would be considered a narrative essay.
What is autobiographical essay?
This tone word means "erratic; unpredictable; given to whimsy or fanciful notions"
What is whimsical tone?
This time period from 1800-1850s was considered a philosophical movement that took root in America and evolved into a predominantly literary expression. They believed that knowledge could be arrived not just through senses, but through intuition and contemplation of the internal spirit.
What is the Transcendentalism period?
This organizational pattern in writing divides information into two main sections: one that describes a problem and one that describes a solution. This pattern is typically used in persuasive writing, where the writer's general purpose is to convince the reader to support a certain course of action
What is Problem and Solution?
If any one of the sisters needs a ride, ____________ can call me? You must say, "What is the pronoun__________?"
What is the pronoun she?
This type of work is one in which you attempt to get the reader to agree with your point of view. You are trying to present arguments, research, and ideas in order to sway the reader one way or the other.
What is a persuasive essay?
This tone word means human foolishness or vice that is attacked through irony or wit. This is where irony, sarcasm, or wit used to attack or expose human foolishness.
What is satirical tone?
This time period is a realist modern American art movement wherein artists shunned the city and rapidly developing technological advances to focus on scenes of rural life. Their t style was at its height from 1930 to 1935.
What is the Regionalism period?
This organizational pattern in writing is used to show the different causes and effects of various conditions. This pattern is particularly effective when writing a persuasive document in which the writer advocates some action to solve a problem, because it demonstrates important relationships between ideas.
What is Cause and Effect?
We never eat candy or ice cream. We do drink soda. (Combine the two sentences)
What is "We never eat candy or ice cream and drink soda"?
This type of work is a short piece of writing on a particular subject written formally.
What is an essay?
This tone word means ashamed or embarrassed.
What is abashed?
This time period marks the period of European history at the close of the Middle Ages and the rise of the Modern world. It represents a cultural rebirth from the 14th through the middle of the 17th centuries.
What is the Renaissance Period?
This organizational pattern in writing is an organization is similar to a chronological pattern, but arranges information according to a step-by-step sequence that describes a particular process.
What is Sequential Pattern?
Recently, there have been government cutbacks in funds. Experts foresee steady hiring in the government's future. (Combine the two sentences) (Hint: Instead of using the work "Recently" you could you the word "Despite" if that helps you to combine the two thoughts.)
What is "Despite government cutbacks in funds, experts foresee steady hiring in the government's future"?