What was the communal feast between the Puritans and Native Americans
What is Thanksgiving
What is a diver myth
a type of creation story where a creature, often a bird or amphibian, dives into primordial waters to retrieve mud or soil that becomes the foundation for the
What is the age of Enlightenment
a period from the late 17th to the early 19th century, characterized by a focus on reason, science, and individual liberty, challenging traditional authority and promoting ideas like natural law, progress, and the separation of church
Where was benjermin franklin when he read his speech negotiating the Treaty of Paris (1783), which officially ended the American Revolutionary War and recognized U.S. independence.
Paris, France
What is a Rhetorical question
a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
Why did the Puritians go to America
What is Religous freedom
What is Univerlsal truth
a concept or idea believed to be true for all people, across all cultures and times, such as the inevitability of death or the laws of physics.
What types of Literature was crated during this time period.
Literature of this period includes pamphlets,speechs,autobiograohies, and documents.
What speech did Soujarn Truth Write
Aint I a woman
What is Logos
a persuasive technique that uses facts and reasoning to support a claim
Who wrote 'Upon the Burning of Our House"
What is Anne Bradstreet.
What was the diver myth in "The Earths on Turtles back"
The musckrat diving down to grab the Earth.
Name one historic writer from this time period
John Locke (natural rights and liberty), Jean-Jacques Rousseau (a fairer society), Adam Smith (founder of modern economics), Immanuel Kant (turned philosophy upside down), and Thomas Paine (called for revolution)
What was th meaning behing the "Aint I (a woman)" Speech
powerful argument for the rights of all women, particularly Black women, highlighting the intersection of race and gender inequality and challenging the prevailing patriarchal and racist views of the time.
What is Pathos
Appeal to emotion
Who gave the sermon "Sinners in a hand of an Angry God"
What is Jonathan Edwards
Name a Superior Being from a story we read
What is... Cheif of the sky etc
Major causes of the Age of Enlightenment
Modern Science and the Scientific Method. These discoveries suggested that the natural world would be explored and understood. Enlightenment thinkers believed freedom and democracy were the rights of all men.
Who wrote the famous line " Give me liberty or Give me death
Patrick Henry
What is ethos
ethical/credbile appeal
What famous author wrote "Of Plymoth Plantaion"
What are three charactersics of Native American Stories
Myth: A fictional story that is been passed down and told through many generations
Origin: The birthplace of something
Imagery: The way the author describes the setting
Setting: The time and place where a story takes place
Supreme Being: A being that is more powerful than everyone else
Diver Myth: A story where a character dives down to retrieve something
Narrative: A written story
Voice: The character's opinion on the topic
Name two Characteristics of American thought during the Age of Reason
Empasis on Logic and reason for solutions to human problems
Distust of the mystical and mysterious
Faith in sense
Sense of nationalism
BElief in human goodness
God created the universe, but He did not interfere with its workings.
Who had the worst Speech
Who create Ethos, Pathos, and Logos