Lessons planned, materials ready, classroom routines and procedures established, present and on time daily
What are characteristics of an effective educator?
Attendance folder, roll book, and Rediker by 7:30
What are the three ways you must record attendance daily?
This Classroom Management tool consist of the following: -Enter quietly and be seated -Place your home-learning on your desk -Take out your class supplies -Recite Prayer -Start Do Now
What is The First Five?
Do not let anyone in or out of your classrooms or offices. Everyone is to remain quiet until you hear these words over the PA system.
What is "All Clear"?
This is a MUST read that happens every Sunday before 9pm. This email helps you stay abreast of what is required of you, important dates to remember, school events, and other information that will keep you in the know as a member of the faculty and staff of St. Augustine High School.
What is the Principal's Notes?
5 tests, 4 quizzes, and weekly home-learning assignments
What is the minimum amount of required grades per quarter?
7:00 and 7:15
What is the daily sign-in time for teachers and the time you should be standing at ready by your classroom door?
-One-to-one conference with the student - Assign Detention -Contact Parent( email and/or conference) -Notify Mr. Dixon with documentation of incidences
What are disciplinary actions you should take if a student is a constant disruption in class?
Because we are responsible for every student in the building. Therefore, no student should be out of the class without an official pass from a teacher or administrator.
Why must you ask students walking the hall for a pass?
Communication Fridays (mandatory), weekly emails, phone calls, and/or conferences as often as needed.
What is the number of times and ways to communicate with parents regularly and weekly?
English/Math 25 minutes each Science/Soc Stu 15 minutes each Electives 10 minutes each
What is the length of time teachers must assign home-learning daily for each content area?
Contact parents to see if an illness or family emergency has occurred.
What is the step you must take if a student is absent for 3 consecutive days?
-Appropriate haircut -mustaches only -shirts tucked -white or black socks -official St. Aug belt -top button buttoned with St. Aug tie -class materials read
What are the expectations of all St. Augustine students?
Students must walk to the right of the hallway and teachers must stand in the center ushering students into classes.
What is transition from class to class routines and procedures?
Communication Friday is a general email to all parents that updates parents on the overall events of your classrooms. Other emails must communicate with individual parents when behavior issues or individual issues occur.
What is the difference between Communication Friday and other emails?
EOC – April 24 – 28 (9th – 11th); LEAP – May 1 – 5 (7th – 8th); A.P. Exams – May 2 – 13 (9th – 12th)
What is range of dates for EOC, LEAP, and A.P.Exams?
Ask for the student's tardy pass, check for his name, and the time listed. A lunch detention will be assigned.
What is the step you should take if a student is tardy to school or class?
Lunch Detention Tuesday or Thursday Detention Saturday Detention
What are the three types of detentions used at St. Augustine High School?
1. Teachers must grab their roll book. 2. Students must stand, push in chairs, and walk orderly and quietly to the nearest exit. 4. Teachers must REMAIN with your class at all times. 5. Wait for the "All Clear"
What steps should you follow during a fire drill?
48 hours
What is the maximum allowable time for responding to a parent's email?
Teach daily, follow your Scope and Sequence, arrive on time daily, and use Data Director weekly to assess students.
How to ensure students are prepared for Quarterly Exams?
-Students unattended in the hallways and/or classrooms -Chaos and disorder erupts -Safety issues -Stress on the secretary to cover classes -Co-workers without planning -Risk of unemployment -FAILURE TO MAXIMIZE TEACHING AND LEARNING
What are the effects of poor teacher attendance and tardy on your classroom culture and your co-workers?
"The number one problem in classrooms is not discipline; it is lack of authentic learning tasks, procedures, and routines." Harry Wong
What is the reason why The First Five, the Instructional Framework, and well-planned lessons decrease classroom disruptions and allow the teacher to become the facilitator to students' learning?
What is the code for lockdown?
This MUST be done by 5pm on Friday unless you notify the office in advance.
What is add weekly assessment and home-learning grades to the portal?