
1. Write ① how the fulfillment of Revelation begins  along with the reference chapters.

① Rev 1, the appointment of the seven stars, who are the seven messengers


3. In Revelation 2:6, ①who are the 'Nicolaitans' comparable to in other chapters of Revelation?

① the beast with the seven heads and ten horns in Rev 13 and Rev 17


5. Revelation mentions a 'secret that no one knows except the one who receives it.' Write ① what that ‘secret’ is, ② along with two reference verses.

① Jesus’ new name

② Rev 2:17, Rev 19:12


8. After Adam sinned, the world became a sinful place. As a result of this, two laws of heaven were established. ① What are these two laws?

①Law of Moses, Jesus’ Law of Freedom


1. Write ② how the fulfillment of Revelation is completed, along with the reference chapters.

② Rev 21, God and the kingdom of heaven coming down to Shinchoenji


3. What kind of beings are ② 'Balaam and Balak

② false pastors and Gentile destroyers (Num 22)


6. In Revelation, there is ① food given by God’s pastor and ② food given by the devil’s pastor. Write what each is, along with the reference verses(chapters)

① Rev 2:17 hidden manna, Rev 10 the revealed word, Rev 22 the fruit of the tree of life

② Rev 17:2, Rev 18:3 the wine of adultery


8. ② which law brings peace when observed?

② Jesus’ Law of Freedom


2. ① How many key contents are in the letters sent in Rev 2-3, and what are they?

① Three contents: what you have seen, what is now, and what will take place


3. ③ who are the real ‘Balaam and Balak’ today, when Revelation is fulfilled?

③ Mr. Serpent (alias), Mr. Earth (alias)


7. ① When will God and the holy city, New Jerusalem, promised in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 come?

① After the dragon is captured and God’s reign begins


9. When the chosen people become corrupt, they are cast out of heaven like Adam and Eve. Write one verse from the New Testament Gospels and one from Revelation that describe this.

Mt 8:12, Rev 6


2. ② List three entities that appear in Rev 2-3 in order, along with their respective actions.

② Seven messengers: the work of the lamp that prepare the way

Nicolaitans: sacrifices to idols, teachings, and adultery.

John: Letters calling for repentance and containing words of promise


4. ① What is “the second death” in Rev 2:11?

① the punishment of hell that the spirit receives after physical death.


7. ② in which chapters and where will God and the holy city, New Jerusalem come?

② the new heaven and new earth in Rev 21


10. ①What is it that only Shincheonji members know?

① the prophecy of Revelation and the reality of its fulfillment


4. ② Who are those who won’t be harmed by the second death? Write along with the reference verse.

② those who participate in the first resurrection, Rev 20:4-6


7. ③ what will happen when they come?

③ the completion of a world of peace without death or suffering


10. ② what is the most advanced knowledge that Shincheonji has in the entire world?

② the knowledge about the Book of Revelation
