Luis no ha venido a la escuela.
Luis hasn't come to school.
tell me 5 supermarket vocabulary words
Produce, Butchery, Shopping cart, Checkout, Beverages.
Nos toma 15 minutos hacer el desayuno en la mañana.
It takes us 15 minutes to make breakfast in the morning.
Present / Past / Participle : Usar / vestir
Wear / Wore / Worn
If you drop me, I'm sure to crack, but smile at me and I'll smile back.
What am I?
A mirror
Carlos y Julia no han manejado hasta Chihuahua.
Tell me 7 means of transport
Subway, Bus, Scooter, Ship, Plane, car, bike, etc.
It didn't take them much time to learn a new language, only 6 months.
Present / Past / Participle : Morder
Bite / Bit / Bitten
What’s black, white, and blue?
A sad zebra
Estefany has forgotten to call her parents and now they are upset.
Tell me 8 rooms at your house
Living room, kitchen, Dinning room, bathroom, bethroom, Garage, Basement, Attic, etc.
¿A ella le tomará un par de semanas aprender estos verbos?
Will it take her a couple of months to learn these verbs?
Present / Past / Participle : Pensar.
Think / Thought / Thought
Tongue Twister
'A big black bug bit a big black dog on his big black nose.'
¿Diego ha roto un jarrón de la abuela? Ella se enojará si se entera.
Has diego broken one of Grandma's vases? She will get angry if she finds out.
tell me 10 school supplies.
Ruler, notebook, book, backpack, pencil, pencil, Eraser, scissors, sharpener, tape
No se requiere mucho dinero para comer saludable todos los dias.
It doesn't take much money to eat healthy every day.
Present / Past / Participle: Perdonar.
Forgive / Forgave / Forgiven
Tongue Twister
You know New York, you need New York, you know you need unique New York.
Hemos estado aquí durante muchas horas, ¿Qué opinas si regresamos mas tarde?
We have been here for many hours, What do you think if we come back later?
Tell me 5 home appliances.
Blender, Dishwasher, vacuum cleaner, Rice cooker, washing machine.
Se requiere mucha práctica para convertirse en un buen músico, practicaré todos los días.
It takes a lot of practice to become a good musician, I'll practice every single day.
Present / Past / Perfect : Volar.
Fly / Flew / Flown
What goes up but never comes back down?
Your age