Incorporating part of an old song into a new song, or trying a free piece of cheese at the Deli
What is (a) Sampling?
The Swedish company behind this music streaming app went public in 2018 with the largest ever direct listing
What is Spotify?
"Explosive" way to jump into someone else's picture right before it's taken
What is a photo-bomb?
In a best-selling 1997 novel, this 11-year old title character discovers his parents were a witch and wizard
Who is Harry Potter?
#96: Drowzee
What is Hypno?
If your music app's artist name has ft. or f/ followed by another artist listed after the main artist, the ft. or f/ stands for this
What is Featuring?
In 2014 facebook acquired this social messaging app for $22 billion
What sis Whatsapp?
Slang term sometimes used for Wednesday due to it's position in the middle of the week
What is Hump Day?
On broadway, Jeff Daniels and Ed Harris have played this dad of Scout and Jem
Who is Atticus Finch?
#447: Riolu
What is Lucario?
A songwriter can make money writing these, brief catchy tunes to sell cars, or any product being advertised
What is a Jingle?
In 1971 this company's 4004 processor became the first CPU integrated on a single chip
What is Intel?
This 4-letter word for a sharp sound can mean an insult; put and "oh" before it and you're saying "Oh no, he didn't"
What is snap?
Jim Parsons' character on "The Big Bang Theory" is played by Iain Armitage on this series
What is "Young Sheldon"?
#159: Croconaw
What is Feraligatr?
"AC" stands for this radio format favored by some folks of a certain age
What is Adult Contemporary?
Walmart opened in 1962, the same year the Dayton company opened the first store in this rival chain
What is Target?
One term for talking trash about someone is "throwing" this
What is shade?
Michael Pena plays Roarke in this 2020 film adaptation of a '70s TV series
What is "Fantasy Island"?
#114: Tangela
What is Tangrowth?
An album that sells 10 million copies is certified this gem
What is Diamond?
In 1911 the supreme court ordered the break up of this monopolistic company
What is Standard Oil?
This animal term is when someone is tricked into an online romantic relationship by a person using a false ID
What is Cat fishing?
Andy Serkis plays this character in the "Planet of the apes" franchise
Who is Caesar?
#657: Frogadier
What is Greninja?