Prepared Speeches
Important People
General Communications

What should you do your speech on?

Any topic that you find interesting and want to share with others.


What is the role of the Master or Mistress of Ceremony?

The person who introduces the next speaker and their speech title.

What is an impromptu?

A short speech that is prepared in a limited period of time on a random topic.


How is a presentation different from a prepared speech?

A presentation can demonstrate an activity or be an illustrated talk through the use visual and media aids (e.g. PowerPoint).


What are the three main parts of a speech/presentation?





True or False: A prepared speech a visual aid or gimmick such as wearing a costume, using a prop or singing a song/cheerlead.

False - using a visual air or gimmick in a prepared speech will result in a 3 point deduction.


Who is part of the audience that will give written comments/feedback on your speech or presentation and give their suggested placings to the teller?

The judges panel. You will have a minimum of 3 judges comment on your prepared speech and impromptu, or presentation.


True or False: All members have to complete an impromptu speech.

False: Members who deliver a prepared speech also have to deliver an impromptu. Members who complete a presentation do not need to do an impromptu speech, they need to reply to a judge's question instead.


True or False: You can do a presentation with team members?

True - You can have up to 3 team members but you must split the presentation work equally between all members.


What should you do if you see the timer hold up a STOP card?

Wrap up a conclusion of your speech or presentation as soon as possible. This means that you have gone over your maximum time limit.


What are the time allowances for Junior, Intermediate & Senior prepared speeches?

Junior & Intermediate: 3-5 minutes

Senior: 4-6 minutes


What is the role of the timer?

This person will time your speech with a stopwatch to confirm that it is within the acceptable time limit for your age category. They will also hold up time remaining cards, and STOP cards if over time.


What are the time allowances for Junior, Intermediate & Senior impromptus?

Junior & Intermediate: 1 - 2 minutes

Senior: 2-3 minutes


What are the time allowances for Junior, Intermediate & Senior presentations?

Junior: 4-8 minutes

Intermediate: 6-8 minutes

Senior: 8-10 minutes


What is the sheet called that you need to hand in to the teller that shows where you got your information from?

The Quote Reference Source form


How should you dress to deliver your prepared speech?

You should wear clean semi-formal clothes. Your hair should be brushed and tidy. 


What is the role of the teller?

The teller will collect the placing scores from all of the judges and use their calculation sheet to determine the final placings.


True or False: You will be given one topic to give your impromptu on.

False - You will be given 3 topics to choose from.


True or False: If you encounter electronic equipment malfunction during your presentation, you can pause your presentation up to 5 minutes to try to correct the problem without penalty.

False: If you encounter a malfunction you can pause up to 3 minutes without penalty. Timing will start again after 3 minutes is up or the problem has been corrected whichever comes first.


What is one tactic to relieve the stress in the room when delivering a speech or presentation?

Humor - laughing can help connect with your audience and relieve tension. Remember to give the audience time to chuckle.


Total quotes in your speech must not exceed how many words? If it does what occurs?

Quotes must not exceed 75 words which must be noted on the Quote Reference Source sheet. If exceeded you will receive a 3 point deduction.


What is expected of the audience?

The audience is expected to remain silent, and pay attention to the current presenter. The audience is made of up Judges, Timers, Tellers, family members and the rest of the public speaking competitors.


What is the best thing you can do to prepare for an impromptu?

Practice giving impromptu speeches. Ask your parent to give you a topic over supper.


When does the timer stop the clock when timing a presentation?

When the presenter says "I am now ready for the judges question."

What action helps you connect with your audience?

Eye Contact shows your audience you know your speech topic well and want to share it them.
