What is greeting?
When the priest says good morning.
What is Gospel Aclamation?
What is the communion?
when we receive the body and blood of Christ.
What is dismissal ?
The final thing we do at church.
What is the Second Reading?
the reading ”helps us live out the Gospel message”.
What is collect?
When the priest/deacon prays out loud.
What is the Profession of Faith?
When we pray the creed/ profess our faith.
What is Presentation and Preparation of the Gifts?
The bread and wine get presented to the altar.
what is the Final Blessing?
when the Priest/Deacon says “go in peace”.
Where do we mostly get the readings from in the first reading?
What is the Old Testament?
What is the Penitential Act?
What is the homily?
Priest/deacon long talk about what the first reading was about.
what is the Rite of Peace?
when we do the sign of peace to everyone around us.
What was one of the things we do in our Church right before our dismissal?
What is announcements?
What does the first reading talk about?
it talks about God’s love before the time of Jesus?
What is the Gloria?
What is the Universal Prayer?
When we offer prayers to God for the salvation of all.
What is “the greatest prayer of praise”?
What is the Eucharistic Prayer?
What is recessional?
the final hymn/ song.
After both readings, the priest/deacon does the ___?
What is Homily?
What is Entrance Antiphon?
the first song sang in the Church; the opening song.
What are the Gospels?
the books Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
What is the Anamnesis?
When we recall Jesus‘ passion, death, resurrection, and ascension.
What is the one of the things we do as a whole community (besides singing)?
What is the sign of the cross?
T or F: We can also get the first reading from the New Testament.