The sun is
What is a star
Define Technology
What is the study of our human made world?
Define Engineering
What is the part of science and technology concerned with the design, building, and use of engines, machines, and structures.
1 x 7 =
What do the initial MLK stand for?
What is Martin Luther King
This type of scientist studies all living things?
What is a biologist
Name one positive impact of a bionic arm
What is the replacement of an arm?
Name one positive impact of cars
What is fast transportation?
10 x 3 =
Three things MLK does
What is prompt peace, accept responsibility, and show respect
The main purpose of a plants flower?
What is to produce seed
Name one negative impact of X-rays
What is cancer?
Name one negative impact of a DVD
What is easily breakable and can easily be ruined or pirated?
20 x 1 =
This is the youngest grade level at MLK
What is Pre-K
This needs to be removed from liquid water to change it to a solid
What is heat
Name one negative impact of seniors?
What is the implanting of sensors?
Name one negative impact of bridges
What is the fact that they can break and need to be replaced over and over?
15 + 3 =
Number of students at MLK
What is
What is the green pigment in plants that absorbs and converts sunlight into energy
What is chlorophyll
Define nanotechnology or very small technology?
What is manipulating materials on an atomic or molecular level?
Name one negative impact of a house
What is clearing out land and nature to build a house?
20 x 2 =
Name the teacher that has been here the longest
Who is Slaughter