How do we love our enemies. Give 2 specific ways.
Be kind, courteous and respectful and do loving things for them eg help them with their studies, call them to ask about them when they are absent from school.
Pray to forgive them and not take revenge.
Forgive them when they hurt you.
Teach them what is good and loving to do.
What are 2 earthly treasures you must give up to get heavenly treasures?
Spend less time on entertainment to pray, read the bible or go for adoration. (grow relationship with God)
Fast from spending on unnecessary things or expensive food like bubble tea to donate to the poor. (grow the fruit of charity)
Spend time which is used on relaxing to help out in the housework or help out in a home. (grow the fruit of conscientiousness and sacrifice)
What is 1 thing (speck) you cannot stand in your siblings, parents, classmates etc but today you want to exercise more patience, mercy, gentleness with?
How are you going to do it?
eg I get upset when my brother changes the channel when I am watching television, instead of yelling at him in anger, I will tell him firmly and patiently
Name the main thing that distracts or prevents me from praying at home or during mass?
What can I do about it so that I can pray better?
Forgetting to pray or being lazy to prayer. Change prayer to the morning when I first wake up when I am fresh and have no distractions. (Put first things first)
How do I treat people who bully me as what Christ teaches me?
Tell the bully firmly to stop it and tell them why they cannot behave like that.
Role model goodness and kindness by praying for them to change.
Inform a trusted adult so that the bully can be taught not to do unkind things.
What prayers can we pray for our enemies?
Lord, forgive them for they do not know what they do.
Pray for them to receive graces to learn from their mistakes and be converted.
Pray for them to experience God's love and mercy so that they can be your friends.
What will happen to all the money, toys, good looks, youth, good grades, etc when you die?
You cannot take any of these things with you.
No one can take any material and worldly possessions to heaven.
Good looks and youthfulness will fade as the skin wrinkles and the body parts age and die.
People will forget even the most famous person eg does anyone know who Elvis Presley is? He used to be the king of rock and roll.
How can I see the big sins (log) in my own eye?
Ask my parents, teachers or siblings if there is some 1 way I need to change for the better.
Do the daily examen of consciousness (how is Jesus present or not present with me today)
Do examination of conscience daily. How have I not loved as Jesus loved?
Name 1 thing that prevents me from reading the bible.
What is 1 thing I can do to help myself read the bible?
The bible is boring. I don't understand it. I have no time to read the bible as I have so much homework, and enrichment.
Set aside a fixed time and place to read the bible.
Download free Catholic Laudate app.
Ask parents to read the bible with me.
Attend daily mass.
Why does Jesus tell us to give the cloak as well as the shirt?
Jesus is telling us not to take revenge on people who bully us but to educate and convert people with love and mercy.