What's Around?
In Good Company
The Lou

This 2,000 acre area serves as an environmental field station for WashU

What is the Tyson Research Center? 


These two locations have underwater friends available for emotional support

What are the chair’s suite and the greenhouse facility? 


This center brings together three superstars in St. Louis: WashU, MoBot, and the Saint Louis Zoo 

What is the Living Earth Collaborative? 


At around 1,300 acres, this park is the biggest in St. Louis, even larger than Central Park in New York City. It hosts more than 12 million visitors a year due to its beautiful scenery and multiple attractions year-round. 

What is Forest Park?


A Latin word for a type of cake gives us the name of what temporary, nutrient-rich fetal organ? 

What is a Placenta?


The biology Department occupies this many named buildings on the Danforth Campus

What is seven?


The biology department boasts this many faculty members 

What is fifty?


As the first cloned mammal ever to be created from an adult cell, this sheep's birth was of huge excitement both to the scientific world and to the public. 

Who is Dolly the Sheep? 


This is the highest elevation point in St. Louis. 

What is the Amoco sign/Hi-Pointe?


This fungal microorganism, thanks to its associations with bread and beer, was likely the first organism "domesticated" by human beings

What is yeast?


Above Rebstock hall is an emblem with WashU’s shield and official motto: Per Veritatem Vis. This is the English translation. 

What is “Strength through Truth”? 


This PI researches plant cell walls, but is also skilled in both pencil and charcoal drawing

Who is Ram Dixit?


By graduation, this percentage of biology majors have worked in research 

What is 70%? 


This is St. Louis’ oldest farmer’s market, even older than the Bill of Rights!

What is Soulard Farmer’s Market?


Though zymology spreads out to all sorts of stuff, "Zymurgy Magazine" caters to home hobbyists playing around with yeast to produce this drink favorite

(Hint: I wanted to bring y'all some, but thought better of it)

What is beer?


At least one facility is known to be haunted by him due to his being born on Forsyth Boulevard in 1911, and to this day haunts the greenhouse and growth chambers 

Who is Vincent Price?


The Botany and Zoology Department combined into the Biology Department in this year 

What is 1970?


In 2009, researchers (including some at WashU!) mapped out the genome of Zea mays, which has 32,000 genes. It is typically grown as food for both humans and livestock. This is the common name of this plant  

What is corn?


This US president signed the order for The Gateway Arch’s construction in 1954, and is the only president to visit the top

Who is Dwight D. Eisenhower?


Microbiologists were hired by Warner Bros. Pictures Canada to create a billboard made of growing bacteria in Petri dishes, which spelled the name of this 2011 pandemic-themed movie directed by Steven Soderbergh

What is Contagion?


With 348 total checkouts, this is the most checked out book in the Biology Library collection. 

What is An Introduction to Genetic Analysis by Anthony J.F. Griffiths, 7th edition? 


WashU has 26 Nobel Laureates, but only this many from the Biology Department 

What is four?


Dr. Barbara Schaal is an internationally recognized scientist, even serving on President Obama’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology for 8 years. This is her area of study 

What is evolutionary biology?


Midwest rap pioneer Nelly filmed at the intersection of these two streets for his 2000 music video for Country Grammar

What is Labadie and Marcus? 


In a feat of inter-species biotechnology, researchers at the University of Wyoming were able to insert the silk-producing gene from spiders into this mammal which enabled them to harvest long strands of spider silk from the animal's milk

What are Goats? Like what the hell? 
