Creative Lingo
In your head
This command Lists the files on the current drive in DOS command line syntax
What is DIR? Daily Double: adding this string of parameters causes the results to display in wide format and pauses at the end of each screen full.
This visual art term is derived from latin "fear of empty space"
What is horror vacui, cenophobia also acceptable
A great american architect who adhered to a philosophy he coined as organic architecture
Who is Frank Lloyd Wright?
Greek "find" or "discover", refers to experience-based techniques for problem solving, learning, and discovery.
What is Heuristic?
The phrase that became a meme when a video of 21-year-old fourth-year undergraduate Andrew Meyer struggling to resist arrest was posted to the interent
What is "Don't tase me, bro!"
A protocol created in 1988 for real-time Internet chat designed for group communication in discussion forums. Channel operators were used and people were constantly getting 'slapped with a trout'.
What is IRC?
a label created by French artist Jean Dubuffet to describe art created outside the boundaries of official culture
What is art brut?
The first person to systematically study the physiological effects of color, his observations on the effect of opposed colors led him to a symmetric arrangement of the color wheel
Who is Goethe?
The subdiscipline of psychology exploring internal mental processes which explicitly acknowledges the existence of internal mental states (such as belief, desire, idea, knowledge and motivation.
What is Cognitive Psycology?
clips of this product, a modified dumbbell, went viral as a result of the product's sexually suggestive nature
What is the shake weight?
Billed as the first consumer online service, citing a graphical user interface and basic architecture as differentiation from competitors that used a command line interface.
What is Prodigy?
3 an artistic and architectural philosophy that originated in Russia beginning in 1919, which was a rejection of the idea of autonomous art. The movement was in favour of art as a practice for social purposes. In the 1920s, in post-revolution Russia, graphic design took concrete shape as objects were designed for utilitarian reasons.
What is Constructivism?
This pioneering ad lady famously dropped the Elizabeth Arden account After Miss Arden kept her waiting for an hour for a meeting, sweeping in and saying "Miss Arden, you are a tyrant. We do not want to have this account," before leaving.
Who is Margaret Hockaday LaFarge?
a paradox in which a group of people collectively decide on a course of action that is counter to the preferences of any of the individuals in the group.
What is The Abilene paradox?
a phrase from the text comes from the opening of the 1991 video game Zero Wing, which was poorly translated from the original Japanese version.
What is "All your base are belong to us"?
a toy whistle found in this brand of cereal was used by phreakers to hijack and take control of phone lines because it could emit a tone at precisely 2600 hertz - the same frequency that was used by AT&T long lines to indicate that a trunk line was ready and available to route a new call.
What is Captain Crunch?
This term, adopted from the field of music, is the portion of a color space that can be represented, or reproduced.
What is gamut?
This man is often considered the founder of modern, Madison Avenue advertising, combining the ideas of Gustave Le Bon and Wilfred Trotter on crowd psychology with the psychoanalytical ideas of his uncle, Sigmund Freud. This was carried out with the idea that this manipulation was necessary in society, which he regarded as irrational and dangerous as a result of ‘herd instinct'.
Who is Edward Louis Bernays?
The first name of a Wyandotte chicken that lived for 18 months after his head had been mostly cut off.
Mike, Magic Mike, Mike the headless chicken
an online community centered on the creation of hosted web pages featuring a juxtaposition of an image centered or tiled along with optional large zooming text and a looping sound file.
What is YTMND or "You the man now, dog"
The law derived from one of the earliest bits of Usenet wisdoms, which goes “if you mention Adolf Hitler or Nazis within a discussion thread, you’ve automatically ended whatever discussion you were taking part in.”
Godwin’s Law
The term for a 3d pixel
What is a Voxel?
Credited with the concept of 'disruption', this ad man made one of the first large attempts to provide a virtual office environment, summing up his office experiment with, "The only thing I ever did in business that I was satisfied with."
Who is Jay Chiat Daily Double! This 'Flop' inspired Chiat's disruption theory, it was popularized and perfected by American athlete whose gold medal in the 1968 Summer Olympics brought it to the world's attention as all other high jumpers jumped forward until that point.
A disorder in which a person holds a delusion that a friend, spouse, parent, or other close family member has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor
What is Capgras delusion?
one of the earliest Internet memes, created by Canadian art student Deidre LaCarte for a Geocities page it features a sped-up sample from the song "Whistle Stop by Roger Miller.
What is the Hamster dance