Who is considered the first person to walk on the moon?
Neil Armstrong
What year was the House of Justice established?
What is the name of Wendy's dog in Peter Pan?
This flightless bird, native to Antarctica, is the only animal that breeds and lives exclusively on the continent
What is always coming but never arrives?
Where did the Olympic Games originate?
How many years does Baha'ullah spend at Bahji
Bahá’u’lláh spent 13 years at Bahjí, from 1879 to 1892.
What is the name of the father of Simba in The Lion King?
This kind of animal with black and white markings is native to China and known for its bamboo diet
What goes up but never ever comes down?
Your age
Who was the first European to reach China overland?
Marco polo
mention 3 books was written by Baha'ullah in Baghdad
Who is the princess in "The Little Mermaid"?
This city in Nevada is famous for its vibrant nightlife, casinos, and entertainment shows
Las Vegas
20. If you had only one match and entered a dark room containing an oil lamp, some kindling wood, and a newspaper, which would you light first?
the match
What ancient civilization developed the concept of zero?
When did ‘Abdu’l-Bahá reach the USA?
`Abdu’l-Bahá arrived in the United States on April 11, 1912. He landed in New York City as part of his journey
What song in "The Lion King" means "no worries" in Swahili?
Hakuna Matata
This state is known as the “Golden State” and is home to Hollywood, the Golden Gate Bridge, and Silicon Valley
How can the pocket of your pants be empty, but still have something in it?
When the something is a hole.
Who was the first female astronaut?
Valentina Tereshkova
What is the first and last month of the Bahá’í calendar?
The first month of the Bahá’í calendar is Bahá (Splendor), and the last month is ‘Alá’ (Loftiness)
"Sleeping Beauty," what is the name of the villain?
This popular sport involves hitting a small ball into a series of holes using various clubs
What’s full of holes but can still hold liquid?