What date was the Declaration of Independence signed?
July 4, 1776
This person was the Commander of the Continental Army.
George Washington
This was the most common weapon in colonial times
The Brown Bess Musket
This put a tax on sugar.
Sugar Act
Where was the 1st battle of the American Revolution?
What year did the French and Indian War end?
He famous said, "Gentlemen cry PEACE- PEACE - BUT THERE IS NO PEACE!"
These Acts put a tax on tea, glass, paint and lead.
The Townshend Acts
Name the people who rode to Lexington to warn them that the Regulars were coming.
Paul Revere and William Dawes
What is the date of the Boston Massacre?
March 5, 1770
She watched the Battle of Bunker hill from her home across the river.
Abigail Adams
This clicked onto the end of the musket and was used in hand to hand combat.
The French and Indian War
When the British arrive, the militia were outnumbered. Who fired the first shot?
No one knows.
What is the date of The Boston Tea Party
December 16, 1773
He was one of the men shot and killed in The Boston Massacre.
Crispus Attucks
This was used to store gun powder
Powder Horn
19-20 days
What was the name of the grassy area in colonial towns were men practiced militia drills?
The Green
On which date did the Battle of Bunker Hill take place?
June 17, 1775
He rode all the way to Concord to warn the militia that the Regulars were coming! His buddy (Paul Revere) did not make it all the way.
William Dawes
This was the reason that the Musket was not a good shot.
It had a smooth bore instead of a spiral groove like a rifle.
What is the famous phrase that was said to protest the taxes?
No Taxation Without Representation
Who was hiding in Lexington, but escaped before the British arrived?
Samuel Adams and John Hancock