Scientific method
Conclusion and Evaluation

What is the first step in a scientific method 

The question 


What is the variable that we are measuring 

Dependent variable 


Why do we graph our results 

To see if there is a trend in the data


When in the scientific investigation do you write your conclusion?

After collecting your data and presenting it in a graph


What is an anomalous result 

A result that does not fit the pattern 


When you have identified your prediction, what comes next in the scientific method? 

Identifying variables 

Why do we need to identify variables? 

To construct a method to test our question


What variable do you plot on the x axis and what variable do you plot on the y axis? 

Independent variable is plotted on the x axis 

Dependent variable is plotted on the y axis 


Why is a conclusion an important part of the scientific method 

The conclusion is where you present the results of your findings in the investigation. 


How can we identify if there is an anomalous result 

You will need to repeat the results at least 3 times in order to see if there is an anolomy 

List in order the steps of a scientific investigation
1. Question 

2. prediction/Hypothesis
3. Identifing variables
4. Method - risk assessment
5. Collecting data
6. Graph the results
7. Conclusion
8. Evaluation


In an investigation it is important that you change just 1 variable. What is that variable called, and how do you ensure that this happens? 

1. Independent variable 

2. You have control variables that needs to stay the same 


When do you draw a bar graph and when do you draw a line graph 

You draw a bar graph when you have categoric data 

You draw a line graph when you have continous data 


What is the difference between a conculsion and evaluation?

A conclusion states the findings of an investigation 

An evaluation states the validity of the results and the investigation method 


What are the possible reasons why there would be an anomalous result 

Human error 

Systematic error 


What is the purpose of an evaluation? 

The evaluation looks at the investigation and identifies WWW and EBIs. It is used to state whether the findings from the investigation is reliable or not 


What is the name for the variable that can affect the findings beyond our control 

confounding variable 


What is a line of best fit and why is it important? 

The line of best fit is a line that best fits the data points. 

It is important because it shows if there is any trend in the data. 


What is included in a good conclusion?

State the findings of the investigation 

Give evidence that supports your findings 

State whether your investigation supports or disproves your hypothesis 


Explain what is meant by a positive correlation 

A positive correlation is when you have results that show that when one variable is increasing the other variable is also increasing 


What is the purpose of a scientific investigation? 

Scientific investigations tests a theory. To prove the theory there needs to be enough evidence to support it. If there is enough evidence to support a theory it is then proven to be valid 

Question: Does the material of a car wheel affect the speed it travels

Identify the independent, dependent and control variable(s)

IV: Material of the car wheel 

DV: Speed of the car


Size of the car wheel 

Model of the car 

Surface of the ground 

Distance the car travels 


You have collected results to investigate if there is a correlation between a students height and their reaction time to catching a falling ball 

State what graph you will need to draw and what variables will go on the x and y axis 

1. line graph 

2. x axis student height // y axis reaction time 


A student wants to investigate whether the size of potato has an effect on the time it takes to cook. They believe that the bigger potato will take longer to cook 

They cut potatoes into cubes of different sizes and time how long it takes for the potatoes to cook 

The results show:

Cube 1 (3cm3) - 133 seconds 

Cube 2 (6cm3) - 380 seconds

Cube 3 (9cm3) - 712 seconds 

How could you write a conclusion to show the findings of the investigation. 

In this investigation we found that the potato cube with the smallest volume took the shortest time to cook and the potato cube with the largest volume took the longest to cook. This supports my prediction that the smaller the potato the faster the cooking time. This is because the surface area to volume ratio is larger the smaller a substance is. the smaller potato has a larger surface area for the reaction to take place. 
