Court Cases
Important People
Reasons for Westward Movement?

This case established judicial review 

What is Marbury v. Madison 


He was a federalist and had major influence during Democratic-Republican ascendancy. 

His decision's favored the central government and property rights over states’ rights.

Appointed chief justice by John Adams, Marshall served for 34 years

Who is John Marshall?


Democratic-Republicans gained control of the House of Senate and Federalists lost all power.

Northern industrial liked higher tariffs to protect against foreign competition. Southerners preferred lower tariffs to encourage trade and rely on cotton and other crops.

What is the Election of 1800?


More Europeans were being attracted to America by speculators offering cheap land in the Great Lakes region and in the valleys of the Ohio, Cumberland and Mississippi rivers

What is Immigrants?


This case ruled that states couldn't tax federal institutions, reinforcing federal supremacy

What is McCulloch V. Maryland?


He proposed a method for advancing the nation’s economic growth. 

This plan was know as the American System.

Who is Henry Clay?


Most important achievement of Jefferson's first term.

Acquired vast western lands (Louisiana Territory) and Mississippi and Missouri rivers flowed through the territory.

Was valuable for commerce an the port of New Orleans.

What is the Louisiana Purchase? 


Good land for planting cotton in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas

What is economic pressures?


 Established its authority to review state court decisions involving federal powers

What is Cohens v. Virginia?


He formed a political pact with radical New England Federalists.

 He planned to win the New York governorship in 1804 and lead New York and New England states to secede 

Who is Aaron Burr?


Strengthened U.S. claims to the Oregon territory.

Improved relations with American Indian tribes

Provided accurate maps and land routes for fur trappers an future settlers.

What is Lewis and Clark Expedition?


Military victories under Generals William Henry Harrison in the Indiana Territory and Andrew Jackson in Florida and South over American Indians opened vast new territories for White settlers

What is acquisitions of lands?


This case questioned if New York could grant a steamboat monopoly conflicting with a federal charter. Marshall ruled the monopoly unconstitutional, affirming federal control over interstate commerce.

What is Gibbons v. Ogden?


The 5th U.S president

Was elected president during "The Era of Good Feelings"(1816)

He represented the growing nationalism of the American people and is said to be the reason the county was unified as a country

Who is James Monroe?


A period of relative stability, prosperity and peace 

Despite the name, many debates over tariffs, national bank and public land sales

What is the Era of Good Feelings?


Pioneers had an easier time reaching the frontier as a result of the building of roads and canals, steamboats and railroads

What is improved transportation?


The Supreme Court established that it had jurisdiction over state courts in cases involving constitutional rights.

What is Martin v. Hunter’s Lease?


He came up with the amendment that prohibited the further introduction of slaves into Missouri and provided for emancipation of those already there when they reached age 25

Who is James Tallmadge?


Congress raised tariffs in order to protect U.S manufactures from competition. 

Congress needed a way to make money because of the global output during the War of 1812

What is the Tariff of 1816?
