Burns and Ulcers
You got no legs

A physical therapist assistant is treating a patient who has difficulty with weight shifting while standing with a wide base of support (BOS). This activity would be the most appropriate. (SB 240-241)

What is, standing on a stable surface, narrowing base of support

Not the most appropriate: 

sitting on a foam pad, playing catch with a ball

standing in tandem stance position, eyes closed

sitting with eyes closed, reaching overhead 


ROM for scar tissue lengthening is thought to be the most beneficial during this phase of healing. (SB 439)

What is Proliferation and remodeling phases 


This is the dressing of choice for arterial ulcers.

What is, Non-adherent dressings that keep the wound moist


Of the following, this is the LEAST advisable to prevent limitations of the glenohumeral joint and improve shoulder range of motion (ROM) after mastectomy. (SB 532)

1. Self-assisted ROM of the involved UE exercises

2. Wand Exercises

3. Pendulum exercises

4. Wall-climbing exercises with the involved UE

What is Pendulum exercises.


In outpatient cardiac rehabilitation, minimal intensity is recommended with gradual progression over several weeks or months. (SB 386)

What is false. What makes this statement true?


This balance component would be MOST impacted by a patient using the suspensory strategy to control their balance. COM or BOS? (SB 241)

What is COM.


A patient is recovering from a full-thickness burn to the elbow. Range-of-motion activities should focus on this elbow motion. (SB 453)

What is, Extension and supination


A physical therapist assistant is implementing a postsurgical strengthening program for their patient after a transtibial amputation. The following muscle groups of the affected lower extremity are NOT essential to include in consideration for future ambulation with prosthesis. (SB 134)

What are Hip flexors.

Hip abd/ hip ext and Knee ext are ESSENTIAL!


There are many interventions used to manage the signs and symptoms of lymphedema. This is the LEAST effective based on current evidence. (SB 487)

What is, Pneumatic compression pump


During forced inspiration, the _________________________________ increases intrathoracic volume by elevating the upper rib cage and sternum in the “pump-handle” motion.

What is, sternocleidomastoid 


A patient with a decreased ability to sense the position or movement of the head or body in relation to the environment has impairments in this system.

What is sensory.


A patient is recovering from a full-thickness burn to the shoulder/axilla. This describes the common contracture from this type of burn. (SB 453)

What is, Shoulder adduction and internal rotation.


This assistive devices would be LEAST beneficial for the amputee patient.

What is a SPC.

Beneficial AD would be a walker or crutches.


A patient is being treated for secondary lymphedema of the right upper extremity due to a radical mastectomy and radiation therapy. This the BEST physical therapy method to help reverse pitting edema. (SB 486-487)

What is Intermittent pneumatic compression, extremity elevation, and massage


Patients with hemophilia will most likely present with decreased muscle strength, decreased joint stability, and increased proprioception.

What is False, what makes this a true statement?


A physical therapist assistant treats a patient with generalized weakness and medical history of Type I Diabetes Mellitus. The patient reports that their blood glucose level was 150 mg/dL about 20 mins before today's appointment. This is the MOST appropriate next step for the assistant in this scenario. (SB 526)

What is, Take vitals, document findings, and discontinue treatment session for today.


A frail older adult is confined to a bed in a nursing facility and has developed a small superficial wound over the sacral area. Because only small amounts of necrotic tissue are present, the physical therapist has decided to use autolytic wound debridement. This is the BEST method for implementing the intervention. (SB 449)

What is, Transparent film dressing


This is the point, with prosthetic socks, that the physical therapist assistant should request a reevaluation by the physical therapist of socket fit. (SB 130)

What is, Using more than 15-ply of socks


The physical therapist assistant is working with a patient who has lymphedema of the lower extremity following radiation treatment for cancer of the prostate. This is the MOST appropriate method to measure the circumference of the limb.

What is, Measure every 10 centimeters proximally from the metatarsal heads to the groin


When active bleeding stops in patients who have hemophilia, the physical therapist assistant should initiate ___________ muscle exercise to prevent muscular atrophy.

What is isometric.


A challenging functional balance test and activity requires the patient to do the following.

What is, Ambulate and negotiate obstacles.

Not as functional:

Maintain balance with eyes closed while standing

Maintain balance while seated, performing trunk rotation

Maintain balance while seated, performing marching


A patient is seen as an outpatient in the wound care center at the local hospital. The patient presents with a stage III wound draining copious amounts of serous fluid. The physical therapist's plan of care calls for cleaning and a dressing change. This represents the MOST appropriate dressing for this wound. (SB 447-448)

What is, An alginate dressing


A physical therapist assistant performs prosthetic training with a patient status post transfemoral amputation. This is the INITIAL instruction that would be the MOST appropriate when ascending the stairs.

What is, place your body weight on the prosthetic side and lead with your uninvolved leg


Manual lymph drainage is performed by clearing trunk quadrants first.  After that, the clinician works _________________ then _____________. 

What is, proximally then distally.

Strokes are distal to proximal.


The frequency of exercise in days 1-3 of cardiac rehabilitation is ________________ and includes short bouts of activity.

What is, 2-4 times per day.
