This form provides a template for collecting data required for the initial casualty report (INIT) and is used during contingencies or peacetime.
DA FORM 1156
Whose role is to Run SGLI /FSGLI reports and view information on a specific Servicemember?
The HR Representative
Where can you find the DD Form 93 dated January 2008?
You can obtain the form from the Army Publications website.
This form is used to designate beneficiaries for certain benefits in the event of the Service member's death.
This system serves as an electronic personnel office.
How many sections is the new DD Form divided into?
Whose information goes in block 8a & 8b on DD Form 93?
Do Not Notify Due to Ill Health & Notify Instead
This regulation deals with Casualty and Mortuary Affairs.
DA PAM 638-8
Which site should you use in the event the primary DCIPS-PCR sites are unavailable?
DCIPS-PCR COOP (Continuity of Operations) sites
DCIPS-PCR User Guide, Version 1, pg.#7
What field manual governs the Casualty Operations Management?
FM 1-0
A person who becomes a casualty due to circumstances not directly attributable to hostile action or terrorist activity is called.....
non-hostile casualty
What are the four "report field types"?
Initial (INIT)
Status Change (STACH)
Supplemental (SUPP)
Progress (PROG)
This regulation deals with the preparation of casualty reports
The natural father or mother, father or mother through adoption, or person who stood in relationship of a parent to the deceased for a period of at least 1 year prior to the Soldier reaching 18 years of age is called...
Loco parentis
Which report contains minimum data required to make a report to higher headquarters?
Hasty Report.