Jesus is Lord of this day of rest.
What is the Sabbath.
Blessed are these type of people who are humble, gentle and willingly submit and accept things, for they shall inherit the Earth.
What is meek.
According to the Old Testament, Jonah was swallowed by a "a great _______."
What is a fish.
DD: Babylon did this to the Nation of Judah
What is conquer
This animal provided protein when Jesus fed the 5,000 from five loaves of bread.
What are fishes.
The top two commendments.
What are love god and love your neighbor.
Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be ____________.
What is filled.
Jonah spent this many days in the belly of the fish.
What is three.
Zedekiah was King of Judah was it was conquered by Babylon. He was also King when this prophet of The Book of Mormon led his wife, four sons, and later a servant, and Ishmael's family out of Jerusalem.
Who is Lehi.
DD: Satan wanted Jesus to turns stone into this food.
What is bread.
Jesus taught this Jewish religious leader that he must be born again to enter the Kingdom of God.
Who is Nicodemus.
Be ye therefore this, even as your Father in Heaven is.
What is perfect.
The Lord sent Jonah to the people of this city to tell them to repent.
What is Ninevah.
This King had a dream of a giant statue being smashed by a stone cut out without hands.
Who is Nebuchadnezzer.
John the Baptist liked to eat this kind of food (name 1 out of 2)
What is honey and locusts.
After Jesus taught this distasteful (to some) doctrine, many of his followers left him.
What is eat the body of Christ and drink his blood.
Swear not at all, but let all your communications be these words. Sounds like horse talk.
What is yea yea, nay nay. Matt 5:34, 37.
Johah was riding in this when he ran from the assignment of the Lord to preach repentance.
What is a ship or boat.
The Babylonian Name of Daniel of Daniel and the Lion's Den fame.
What is Belteshazzar.
The Apostles ate this on the Sabbath and got into trouble by the Pharisees.
What is "corn" or wheat.
Three of the four types of places the seeds fall in the parabale of the sower.
What are way side, stoney places, thorns, good ground.
Don’t say to your brother this “R” word.
What is raca.
Jonah was heading to this city to escape from his assignment to preach repentance.
What is Tarshish.
Babylon was eventually conquered by this nation after Babylon's King saw the writing on the wall.
What is Persia.
The 5 loaves of bread that Jesus fed 5,000 with was made from this grain.
What is barley.