Poetry Terms #1
Poetry Terms #2
Poetry Terms #3
Poetry Terms #4
Poetry Terms #5

The main idea or the basic meaning of a literary work.

What is theme?


A character, setting, objects, or images represent both themselves and larger ideas. They give greater meaning.

What is symbol?

A genre of literature that is written in verse and emphasizes the rhythmic use of words to create imagery.

What is poetry?


The last syllables or words in two or more lines rhyme with each other.

What is end rhyme?


The literal or dictionary definiton of a word.

What is denotation?


A literary device which creates interest by the recurrence of initial consonant sounds at the beginning of several words near each other.

What is alliteration?


A comparison between two things meant to reveal their similarities. Similes and metaphors can be used to create this literary device. Dog is to puppy as cat is to kitten.

What is analogy?


A figure of speech that involves two different meanings or interpretations of a word, phrase, or sentence. One meaning is literal and the other is more inapproriate in nature.

What is double-entendre?


A feeling or idea that a word suggests in addition to its literal meaning.

What is connotation?

Rhyme that occurs in the middle of lines of poetry instead of at the end. A single line can contain rhyming words or it can happen across multiple lines.

What is internal rhyme?


Two unstressed syllables followed by a stressed syllable--understand.

What is anapest?


A speech in which a character, who is usually alone on stage, expresses his or her thoughts aloud. It allows the character to relay his or her most intimate thoughts and feelings to the audience.

What is a soliloquy?


A short statement of general truth, insight, or good advice. "With great power comes great responsibility."

What is aphorism?


A figure of speech in which the name of something is replaced by that which it is closely related to. Monarchy= The Crown     President=White House

What is metonymy?


One unstressed syllable followed by one stressed syllable--But soft!

What is iamb or iambic?


A generally regular pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in poetry. It is measured in units called feet. Each foot contains one stressed and one unstresed syllable.

What is meter?


One stressed syllable followed by two unstressed syllables--hickory.

What is dactyl?


One stressed syllable followed by one unstressed syllable--gallant.

What is trochee?


The repetition of similar vowel sounds that occurs in two or more words near each other in a line of poetry or prose.

What is assonance?


A 14-line poem consisting of three quatrains (4 line stanzas) and a concluding couplet. The rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.

What is a sonnet?


Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. Each line of poetry contains 10 syllables and every other syllable is stressed. It is often used when writing about serious themes.

What is blank verse?


A literary device where the speaker addresses someone or something that is either not present or unable to respond.

What is apostrophe?


Poetry that expresses a speaker's personal thoughts or feelings. The elegy, ode, and sonnet are forms of this type of poem. They may express a range of emotions and reflections.

What is lyric poetry?


A figure of speech in which a part of something is used to refer to the whole. A new set of wheels=new car

New threads=new clothes

What is synecdoche?


Poetry that has no fixed meter or pattern and depends on natural speech rhythms. It may or may not rhyme. The lines may be of different lengths. Like natural speech, it may switch from one rhythm to another.

What is free verse?
