I feel ______ when I see littering in the park
I feel sad when I see littering in the park
____ time is it?
What time is it?
Throw trash in the street
Hello, my name is _______. Nice to meet you!
What is the teacher's name?
I feel _______ by the littering in the community.
I feel disgusted by the littering in the community.
_____ is your birthday?
When is your birthday?
When people laugh at others and do bad things to them
The interviewer makes ____ and the interviewee _______
Questions and answers
What is the name of your school?
Esc. Sec. Técnica 73
I feel _________ when my friend throws garbage on the street.
I feel embarrassed when my friend throws garbage on the street.
______ is the chair?
Where is the chair?
A lot of loud sounds
Thank you for your time. It was great talking to you!
I feel ______ when there is too much noise.
I feel frustrated when there is too much noise.
I feel ________ by the pollution in the city.
I feel overwhelmed by the pollution in the city.
______ were you late?
Why were you late?
Contamination in water, soil and air
Part in which it is said what the interview will be about
What color is the water?
It has no color
I feel _______ by people who don’t care about the environment.
I feel disappointed by people who don’t care about the environment.
_____ do you go to school?
How do you go to school?
Eating with your mouth open and interrupting people when they are talking
Disrespectful Behavior
Who are the people who are in the interview?
Interviewee and Interviewer
What is the PDA of this unit?
To conduct interviews in English to obtain opinions about emotions, feelings and ideas about school and the community.