Who runs and plans meetings
Tie a sheet bend
Good Job!
Name 10 of the 18 eagle required merit badges
First Aid, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the Society, Citizenship in the World, Communication, Cooking, Personal Fitness, Personal Management, Camping, Family Life, Emergency Preparedness, Life Saving, Sustainability, Environmental Science, Swimming, Hiking, Biking
Who Founded Boy Scouting
Lord Robert Baden Powell
Minimum requirement of wraps and fraps on lashings
3 wraps, 2 fraps
Total number of merit badges required for eagle, and how many are eagle required.
14 eagle required, 21 total.
What is know as the "Honor society of scouting"?
The Order of The Arrow
What knot is the "rescue knot"?
The Bowline
Most recently added merit badge
Citizenship in the society
What are 3 of the 5 hurry cases
No pulse, Not breathing, Severe bleeding, Choking, Poisoning
The 2 knots used on a tent staked on the ground
taut-line hitch and 2 half hitches
Merit badge for Citizenship in the Society
The Liberty Bell
What do the two stars on the first class badge mean
Truth and Knowledge
Each member of your team tie a different knot
Good Job!
Name 3 of the 5 first merit badges added in 1912
Athletics, First Aid, Life Saving, Personal Health, Public Health