What is "I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
What is Chrism Oil?
The institution of this sacrament
What is the Last Supper?
This prayer is prayed after confessing your sins to a priest.
What is the Act of Contrition?
There are these many sacraments.
What is seven?
Jesus washes us of this in Baptism.
What is Original Sin?
Who is the Bishop?
The matter of this sacrament
What is the bread and wine?
The two types of sin
What are mortal and venial?
He instituted the sacraments.
Who is Jesus?
Who is John the Baptist?
Name two of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
What are wisdom, counsel, fortitude, understanding, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord?
The form of this sacrament
What is the Prayers of Consecration?
(This is my body, this is my blood...)
This is what we are assigned to do after Confession.
What is penance?
What are marriage and holy orders?
What is purity of soul, or being washed clean of the stain of sin.
The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles at this event, the institution of this sacrament.
What is Pentecost?
This is used to describe the process of bread and wine being changed to the Body and Blood of Jesus.
This symbol of the sacrament is often pictured with St. Peter.
What are keys?
What is grace?
In baptism, we are anointed with sacred Chrism, so we are sharers of these three offices (or roles) of Christ.
What is priest, prophet and king?
Confirmation helps give us this to carry on in Christian life.
What is strength?
Jesus is both these things in the sacrifice of the Mass.
What is priest and sacrifice?
What is absolution?
What are a minister, the recipient, form, and matter.