How do you look up lab CPT codes?
What is...
1. Open OSH CPT Guide
2. Find "Labs" tab.
3. Use Ctrl+F to find desired lab.
What is morbid obesity?
What is excess body weight, with BMI >35 with comorbidities, or 40+ with or without comorbidities?
How can you identify a positive suspect before reading it in Canopy?
What is vial icon?
What should be removed from the Office Outpatient Visit code?
What is Z/V codes?
What does "PFSH" stand for?
What is "past family social history"?
How do you complete a program referral in Canopy?
What is..
1. Navigate to patient's chart in Canopy.
2. Click "More".
3. Select "Programs"
4. "Create a program referral"
5. Fill out information and submit.
What is diabetes mellitus?
What is insulin resistance? Classified by A1C >6.5%.
Give 5 examples of a positive suspect.
What is...CKD, DM, HF, COPD, MO, MDD, PAD w/ rest pain, Dementia, Arrhythmia?
When working with an NP/PA, what should you make sure is included in the superbill?
What is a referring provider?
What does MEAT stand for?
What is ...
How do you request records via Updox?
What is...
1. Download ROI from patient's chart.
2. Obtain fax number from place you're requesting from.
3. "Create new" in Updox.
4. Add fax #.."Quick Send to"
5. Add provider and center coversheet.
6. Add message for center.
7. Add ROI.
8. Send.
What is atherosclerosis?
What is plaque?
Nugget: PAD is plaque buildup in the arteries, PVD is plaque buildup in the veins, CAD is plaque buildup in the coronary artery, etc.
What is the following a positive suspect for?
QF < 60 and abnormal vascular exam
What is PAD WITH rest pain?
When can telehealth visits be counted as an office visit?
What is video telehealth visit?
What does "ETOH" stand for?
What is alcohol?
How do you enter a LE Exam in GWY within a note?
What is...
1. Results
2. "Add order'
3. Select correct LE exam
4. Enter results
5. Map diagnosis in the Superbill
What is chronic kidney disease?
What is chronic damage to the kidneys classified by long term reduction of eGFR for at least 3 months?
Why is documentation of positive suspects important?
What is... (something along the lines)
- Positive suspects are likely accurate since there is evidence
- Accurate documentation leads to important to paint an accurate picture of a patient's health conditions, contributing to their RAF score.
- An accurate RAF ensures we have the resources to care for our patients.
What code should be mapped to 99% of WRVs?
What is Z00.01?
What does "QOD" stand for?
What is every other day?
How do you pull records from Baptist EMR and save them to your computer?
What is...
1. "Select patient"
2. "Search all patients" and enter patient info.
3. Navigate through "Encounter" / "Imaging" to find desired record.
4. Select print icon then "Save as PDF".
What is alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver?
What is advanced liver disease/ severe scarring the liver due to excessive and prolonged alcohol use?
What OSH-wide resource can be used to track metrics for positive suspects?
What is Clinical Documentation Report?
What is Diagnosis Excellence Dashboard?
What 2 codes must be clicked in the assessment section when a patient is seen for a PDV? What are they mapped to in the plan section?
What is long term drug therapy (Z79.899), mapped to discharged medications reconciled...(1111F)?
What is other specified counseling (Z71.89), mapped to post discharge visit (PDV)?
What does "CABG" stand for?
What is coronary artery by-pass graft?