Most recorded Christmas song in history
Silent Night! It's had more than 733 different versions copyrighted since 1978.
Two books of the Bible that contain the Nativity
Matthew and Luke
Percent of Christmas trees grown in the wild
Country where candy caned originated
Number of countries represented in the Nutcracker
Best selling Christmas song of all time
White Christmas
Meaning of Bethlehem in English
House of Bread
Average number of years it takes to grow a Christmas tree
8 years
What is Cecilia's middle name
Worth of Kevin McCallister's home in Home Alone
1.5 million
Christmas song originally written for Thanksgiving
Jingle Bells
Gospel containing the Visitation
What percent of people choose a real Christmas tree
only 19% :(
What year was the National Honor Society founded
What company made "A Charlie Brown Christmas" possible
Best selling Christmas album of all time
Elvis' Christmas album
Number of generations recorded between Abraham and Christ in Matthew's gospel
President that banned Christmas trees from the White House
Teddy Roosevelt
The average number of Christmas decorating-related incidents that end up in the ER per year
What does Buddy the Elf apologize for after running away from home in Elf
For ruining their lives and cramming 11 cookies into the VCR
Christmas song written during the Cuban Missile Crisis and was a plea for peace
Do You Hear What I Hear
Governor of Syria during the time of the Census
Average number of fires started from dried out Christmas trees
About 260
Which Nordic country follows the tradition to light candles on the graves of relatives on Christmas Eve?
Number of roles Tom Hanks played in The Polar Express