Who is the green dragon in the Wyrmstooth Crown?
What is 9 x 7 ?
The main characters in 'Toy Story' are Woody and ____________ _____________
Buzz Lightyear
How many letters are there in the alphabet?
What sport was Muhammad Ali famous for?
What is Guster's mother's name?
Find the area of a square, when one of its sides is 7cm.
The area is 49 cm squared
What animal is Stuart Little?
A mouse
What country is Rome in?
What type of race is the Tour De France?
Why was Guster itchy?
His scales were shedding due to the change of season.
Miss Vo drove from Bass Hill to Newcastle. It was a distance of 292km for a return trip. Find the for distance of Bass Hill to Newcastle.
146 km
Who is the forgetful fish in Finding Nemo?
What is the largest land animal?
What 5 colours make the Olympic rings?
blue, red, yellow, black and green
What did Miranda offer to Guster?
Lemon Drizzle Cake
What movie does the saying Hukuna Matata come from?
Lion King
What is the fastest land animal?
What does NBA stand for?
National Basketball Association
Who is Tangleclaw? How is she related to Guster?
She is the queen of the dragons and is a distant relative of Guster. She is his great, great, great, grandmother.
If there are 30 in the class and 10% are absent. How many kids are at school?
What is the first Harry Potter movie called?
Harry Potter and The Philosepher's Stone
What is the largest country in the world?
What team does Lebron currently play for?
LA Lakers