How do you spell the name of Mr. Lyle's dog?
This teacher is like a catalyst—sparking reactions and making knowledge bond!
Mr. Gummerson
Before Crystal’s mascot was the Gryphon, it was what real animal?
This teacher is always on track to keep students running towards success!
Ms. Robinette
Which PAC member at the front desk has a twin?
Mr. Traeger
How old is Brie, Mr. Gummerson’s dog?
This teacher always hits the right note in harmonizing talent and teamwork!
Ms. Troutman
What is the name of the building in this photo, published in The Architect in March of 1916?
Uplands Mansion
This teacher always conjugates fun with learning and helps students roll with the r's!
Ms. Sullivan
Which theatrical PAC member has gone skydiving twice?
Ms. Berti
What is the name of Mrs. Meigs’ dog?
This teacher has a certain ‘je ne sais quoi’ when it comes to making learning magnifique!
Madame Dupeuble
What was the name of the family who donated the mansion?
The Crocker family
This teacher always brings the past to life, and is at home taking his own baby's pictures!
Mr. Santa-Rita
Which of our Middle School faculty sleep walks, speaking a mix of French & English while doing so?
Madame Dupeuble
Which PAC member is the parent of this dog (shown as a puppy)?
Ms. Carroll
This teacher writes the path to success and makes sure every lesson is literary gold!
Mr. Johnson
What year was Crystal Springs Uplands School founded?
This teacher speaks the #language of success and helps students draw connections, stroke by stroke!
Ms. Wong
Which PAC member is the lead singer in a cover band called The Love Handles?
Ms. Cowan
What breed is Ms. Lucero’s new puppy, Ozo?
Australian Shepherd
This teacher always keeps things on pointe and helps students step up their game!
Ms. Lucero
What year did Crystal Springs Uplands Middle School officially open?
This teacher always makes learning trés bien and helps students say ‘oui’ to new words!
Madame Valentin
Which French-speaking teacher grew up in Africa from the ages of 3-15?
Madame Valentin
Which two PAC members have dogs that came from the same litter (siblings)?
Ms. Sullivan & Mr. Willis
This teacher likes to kick things up a notch and keeps students on the ball!
Ms. Monterrosa
What was the name of our school when it first opened in the mid 1900s?
Crystal Springs School for Girls
This teacher always knows the write way to inspire students and keep the story going!
Ms. Perkins
Who was a Japanese fashion model in their youth?
Mr. Diggs
Mila, Ms. Vo’s dog, is 85% Pomeranian and 15% of what breed?
This support teacher is the key to unlocking potential, always helping students stay on course and ace it!
Ms. Carroll
What double-digit year (19_ _?) did Crystal Springs integrate boys into the student body, which promoted gender diversity, enriched classroom discussions, and prepared students for real-world social dynamics?
This teacher knows how to code the way to success and helps students debug their doubts!
Ms. Zanca
Which faculty member pretended to be Robinhood as a kid and threw a drumstick into his brother’s forehead?
Mr. Fongheiser