Who was the Ancient Greek God of the Sun?
What is the name of Andy's neighbor in Toy Story?
What is the name of the first dungeon encountered in the main story quests?
Which spooky GameCube game stars Mario's brother, Luigi?
Luigi's Mansion
What is the 4th letter of the Greek alphabet?
Burger King
What are the names of Hades minions in Hercules?
Pain and Panic
Who is the Warrior of Light on the shard known as the First?
In Mario Kart, the power-up that seeks out the player in first position and explodes on impact is a shell that is what color?
What is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of characters that reads the same backward as forward?
Pancetta is derived from the meat of which animal?
Jafar, along with Captain Hook, Cruella De Vil, Ursula, Hades, Kaa, the Queen of Hearts took over the House of Mouse in what direct-to-video special?
Mickey's House of Villains
Which tribe quests are associated with the crafting profession in Stormblood?
In Super Mario Kart, the first game in Nintendo's racing franchise, which of the playable characters has the shortest names?
What city is known as "The Eternal City"?
Which food never spoils?
What the names of Cinderella's stepsisters?
Anastasia and Drizella
Nashu Mhakaracca is known to be the NPC for which questline?
Hildibrand quests
The first game in the Final Fantasy video game franchise was released for what console?
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
What Renaissance artist painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling?
What is a banana's classification alongside fruit?
Pongo and Perdita originally had how many puppies in 101 Dalmatians?
Which of the Twelve is engraved on the face of the one-hundred gil coin?
Nymeia, the Spinner
Which came first chronologically, the first gen Pokémon video games, the show, the manga or the Pokémon trading cards?
Video games