What does 'kei hea te peke kura' mean?
Where is the school bag?
What are the two meanings of karaka?
clock, orange
What does "te reo Pākehā" mean?
How do you say 'listen!'
Whakarongo mai!
Titiro mai means
Look this way/look at me
How do you say "I like Social Studies"?
He pai ki ahau te Tikanga-ā-Iwi
What is the kupu Māori for whiteboard?
What does 'kaupapa ako' mean?
school subject
What are the missing lyrics to this waiata?
"E tū, _________
Hei whakapai ururoa
Awhi mai, awhi ___
Tātou tātou e
"E tū kahikatea
Hei whakapai ururoa
Awhi mai, awhi atu
Tātou tātou e
"Ringa ki runga" means
Raise your hand
What does "he ____ tōku" mean?
I have _____
What is a pene rākau whero
a red pencil
What is 'Hangarau' in English?
Digital Technologies
What are the missing lyrics to this waiata?
Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ___
Whitiwhitia e te ___
Purea nei e te hau
Horoia e te ua
Whitiwhitia e te rā
What is the Māori name for the South Island?
Te Wai Pounamu
What does "he papamā iti tērā" mean?
That's a small whiteboard
What is the kupu Māori for computer?
Alex teaches P.E., a.k.a ... [answer in te reo Māori]
Kori tinana
What does this whakataukī mean?
Tama tū, tama ora, tama noho, tama mate
He who stands lives; he who sits, perishes. (An active person will remain healthy, while a lazy one will become sick).
What is the name for the chicken from Moana?
What does "he pai ki ahau te puoro" mean?
I like music
Name four things in te reo Māori that you would find in a classroom
•Pene rākau
•Pene papamā
•Pene hinu
"I te wā kākāriki, he Pāngarau tāku." means...
In green block, I have Maths
What's the whakataukī about red and black working together?
Mā pango mā whero ka oti te mahi
(By black and red together it is done)
Which hapū is Ao Tawhiti located in?
Ngāi Tūāhuriri