Development of Federalism
Types of Federalism
Progressive Era
New Deal + LBJ

Period from 1865-1877 of the U.S.'s full constitutional authority over the confederate states.

What is the Reconstruction period?


Another word for cooperative federalism

What is marble cake federalism?


Enumerated power in Article I, Section 8 that says “Congress shall have power … to regulate Commerce … among the several States…”

What is the Commerce Clause?


A set of federal government programs that seek to promote the economic security, health and well-being of citizens, especially those in financial or social need, which began to develop in the United States in the 1930s

What is the Welfare State?


An example of a government organization that is federal in nature

What is the European Union or United Nations?


Provisions of six constitutional amendments (13th, 14th, 15th, nineteenth, 23rd, and 26th) that grant Congress authority (with appropriate legislation) to enforce the rights guaranteed by the amendments. With the Necessary and Proper Clause, these amendment-enforcing provisions are the major sources of the federal government’s implied powers

What are Amendment-Enforcing Provisions?


Form of federalism, sometimes called Layer Cake Federalism, marked by a clear and distinct division of authority and responsibility between the federal and state governments

What is Dual Federalism?


The government's first regulatory agency

What is the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)?


Federal government program that provides regular income to, among others, the disabled and those who have reached retirement age.

What is social security?


A country with a supreme central government that either is the only government or does not share authority with lower (e.g., state) governments

What is a Unitary National Government?


First clause of the 14th Amendment, which establishes the constitutional rule that every person (regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, etc.) born in the United States is, by right of birth, a citizen of the United States. This clause was adopted to overturn the U.S. Supreme Court’s white supremacist claim in Dred Scott v. Sanford (1857) that only white persons can be legal citizens of the United States.

What is the Birthright Citizenship Clause?


Another word for dual federalism

What is layer cake federalism?


Amendment that stripped state governments of their direct control over who served in the U.S. Senate, and  required the popular election of U.S. Senators.

What is the Seventeenth Amendment?


Social or economic services or benefits—such as housing, healthcare, safe working conditions, and paid vacation time—that governments and/or private employers have a duty to provide or guarantee.

What are Socioeconomic Rights?


Federal regulatory or spending requirements placed on states that states need to pay for with their own funds.

What are Unfunded Mandates?


Something that motivates behavior by instilling the hope of enjoying a benefit if a particular action is taken

What is positive incentive?


Form of federalism in which federal and state governments cooperate and their roles and functions are intermingled.

What is cooperative federalism?


A tax structured such that those who make higher incomes pay a higher rate than those who makes lower incomes.

What is Progressive Income Tax?


FDR’s proposal in 1937 to add new seats to the Supreme Court so that he could appoint justices who consistently voted to declare New Deal programs constitutional.

What is the Court-Packing Plan?


Drastically reducing taxes and thereby forcing the federal government to cut spending in order to balance the budget.

What is starving the beast?


Period in American history (1890s–1920s), marked by widespread democratic political reform and social activism throughout the United States.

What is the Progressive Era?


A form of federalism in which the federal government forces states to implement policies instead of working alongside them as a co-equal partner.

What is coercive federalism?


Amendment that allowed progressive income tax

What is The Sixteenth Amendment?


A public policy agenda that sought to wage a war on poverty by providing job training and direct income support to the poor

What is Johnson's Great Society?


A preference for a particular allocation of authority between the national and state governments that one consistently adheres to even if one dislikes the policy outcomes that will likely result from that allocation

What is principled federalism?
