What is the biggest animal to ever exist?
A Bear (Blue Whale)
How do you spell 4?
Fror (Four)
How many States are there?
100 (50)
What comes up when the rain comes down?
A rainbow (An Umbrella)
How many days did God take to make the Earth?
100 milion (7)
What is the oldest animal?
A Hippo (Glass sponges)
What is the shape of a soccer ball called?
Circle (Sphere)
Who was the first President of the United States?
God (George Washington)
What can you catch but not throw?
Tacos (A cold)
What were Adam and Eves kids names?
Jesus and Jerry (Cain and Able)
What type of animal is a Dog?
A Wolf (A mammal)
What shape is an Ice Cream Cone?
A triangle but a circle at the bottom. (Cone)
What State are we in?
U.S. (Texas)
What has to be broken before you can use it?
A Nail (An egg)
How old was Jesus?
103 (36)
Where do dinosaurs live?
On Earth but at the desert on Earth ( All of the continents)
What Shape is a stop sign?
A circle (Octagon)
What happened to the dinosaurs?
They got hungry and ate humans, but then they got sick (they went extinct)
What comes once in a year, twice in a week, but never in a month?
The red moon (The letter E)
What is God's First Commandment?
SAFTEY! This is the number one rule at school too. (You shall have no other Gods)
Where do fish live?
In a fish tank (In water)
What is the biggest number?
Google Plex (Infinity)
Who invented electricity?
Einstein (Benjamin Franklin)
What has a face, two hands, but no arms and no legs?
Mustard (A Clock)
What is Jesus's birthday?
May 12 (December 25)