Major excitatory neurotransmitter of the brain which causes paranoia if an individual has too much of it
what is glutamate
the area of the brain activated when using mental imagery and planning for movement
what is the supplementary motor area
composed of the hippocampus and amygdala which provides meaning to reality and connect to the motor control system to affect muscle tension, breathing patterns, and blood pressure
what is the limbic system
the corticospinal pathway that sends motor neurons to the limbs and crosses at the midbrain
what is lateral corticospinal tract
what are myokines and exerkines
Major inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain that fine tunes thoughts and is enhanced by alcohol
what is GABA
the "grand comparator" which receives both plans for movement and sensory feedback to project accurate motor signals
what is the cerebellum
the part of the PFC which determines whether reality is safe and wants to go with the guarenteed safe action
what is the orbitofrontal cortex
the corticospinal pathway that sends motor signals to the trunk and crosses at the level of the motor neuron
what is the ventral corticospinal tract
a symbolic map of the body along the cerebral cortex, where bigger sections are ones with more associated neurons
Receptor in the PFC which is important for an individuals capacity to learn and can be blocked by rave drugs
what is NMDA
the "accelerator and brake" of brain excitation which has no direct connections with the spinal cord and connects via the thalamus
the part of the PFC which compares competing ideas and balances the pros and cons
what is the anterior cingulate cortex
the pathway which helps control voluntary flexion of the upper limbs and head movement and crosses in the midbrain with no direct connections to the spinal motor neurons
what is the rubrospinal tract
deficitis in this brain area include schizophrenia, multiple personalities, and paranoia
what is the prefrontal cortex
Major neurotransmitter associated with reward system and the basal ganglia
what is dopamine
a) Part of the brain that detects light and dark
b) Part of brain that detects movement
what is a) primary visual cortex and b) frontal eye field
the reward system in the PFC which utilizes your hippocampus to consider past outcomes and activates your goals
what is the striatum
the reflex that occurs when you step on a tack and immediately remove your foot from the stimuli
what is the cross-extensor reflex
The three components of the cerebellum
What is Vestibulocerebellum, Spinocerebellum, and Cerebrocerebellum
Neurotransmitter associated with contentment and commitment in relationships
what is oxytocin
Primary area for navigation or creating your personal map of the environment
what is entorhinal cortex
this type of individual has minimal OFC and ACC activity in both good and bad situations, leaving only their reward center and limbic system to make decisions
what is a psychopath
the circut within the PFC that links though with action
what is orbitostriatal
the system that plays an important role in declarative and spatial memories
what is the entorhinal cortex-hippocampus system