Who prepared the way for Jesus?
John the Baptist
In what river was Jesus baptized?
Jordan River
What did Jesus' disciples do that made the Pharisees accuse them of breaking the Sabbath?
Picked grain to eat.
What did people say was different about Jesus' teaching compared to the scribes?
He taught with authority.
What was the first miracle Jesus performed in Mark?
Casting out an unclean spirit in the synagogue.
Which two brothers were the first disciples Jesus called?
Simon Peter and Andrew
Where did Jesus often go to pray early in the morning?
A solitary place/deserted place
What did Jesus ask the Pharisees before healing the man with the withered hand?
Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath?
What did Jesus say about fasting when asked why His disciples didn't fast?
Can the friends of the bridegroom fast while he is with them?
How did Jesus heal Simon Peter's mother-in-law?
He took her by the hand and lifted her up.
Who was the tax collector Jesus called to follow him?
In which city did Jesus teach in the synagogue and cast out an unclean spirit?
What was the Pharisees' reaction after Jesus healed on the Sabbath?
They plotted to kill Him.
How did Jesus explain that His new message couldn't mix with the old traditions?
Parable of new wine in old wineskins.
What did Jesus say to the paralyzed man before healing him?
Son, your sins are forgiven.
What nickname did Jesus give to James and John?
Sons of Thunder
In what unusual way did friends bring a paralyzed man to Jesus?
Lowered him through the roof.
What did Jesus ask the Pharisees before healing the man with the withered hand?
Is it lawful to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath?
What did Jesus say about the Sabbath that challenged traditional teaching?
The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
What disease did Jesus heal a man from, even though he told him not to tell anyone?
Which group of people accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath?
The Pharisees
Where did Jesus tell a healed leper NOT to go, but he went anyway?
To the townspeople to tell them about the healing.
How did Jesus respond when accused of casting out demons by Satan's power?
Who did Jesus say were His true family?
Those who did the will of God.
Why did the people crowd Jesus so much that He had to preach from a boat?
Because He had healed so many that everyone wanted to touch Him.