How many angles are there??
The bible doesn’t say but apostle John said there was hundreds of millions this is found at Revelation 511.
Natural disasters are sign that we’re living in what time?
Last days!
“Life like a mist appears for just a day then disappears appears to tomorrow…”
What song is thisHe will call
In the beginning, God created the heavens…
and The earth.
How many teeth has Olivia lost???
How many angles are named in the Bible.
To our named in the Bible, and those are Michael and Gabriel is found at Daniel 12 one.
A natural disasters punishment from God
“So all the nations, we must tell, we must tell…”
what’s this song???
It means there life
A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit saps ones…
Proverbs 17:22
What’s the only thing dad does the whole day on his phone??!!..
Inside carolina
How many different types of angel are there.
To sheriffs and cherubs.
Can the Bible help with natural disasters?
Yes, it can contain principles that can help
Knowing you’ve done your best, then our God will do the rest…”
How does it make you feel
Draw close to god…
And he will draw close to you
James 4:8
Who says these lines from what movies?
“There’s no place like home..??”
“If your a bird, I’m a bird??..!”
Wizard of ozz
The notebook
Are all angels immortal?
Fault, wicked angels, including Satan the devil, will be destroyed. They just found out June 6.
Jehovah will take away all suffering and natural disasters. He will wipe out every tear from their eyes. What scripture helps us to appreciate this
Revelation 21:3,4
“The way of the truth is the best way of living… “
Make the truth your own
Keep on then, seeking first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all the other things…
Will be added to you
Matthew 6:33
What’s Emmy’s favorite store?
Target, I think…
Do we each have a guardian angel?
no, angels look out for spiritual welfare God servants, but this is not necessarily mean I got a sign an angel to each Christian as a personal guardian. This is found at Matthew 810.
What’s your family have prepared when there’s an event of a natural disaster in case we need to leave our house?
Emergency kids and go bags!!
“ Like an island of calm in dark, stormy sees God‘s people are living in peace…”
Peace at last!!!
While you throw all your anxieties on him,
Because he cares for you
First Peter 5:7
What time does dad go to sleep?!!
5 am…
CUZ HE’S ON CAROLINA INSIDE!!!!!Ha ha by the way Olivia made this..