A synonym of spooky.
What is eerie?
Antonym of confirm.
What is refute?
(n.) The length of time that something happens.
What is duration?
Because I _____ at the book fair, I was ten minutes late for my piano lesson.
What is tarried?
Synonym of starved.
What is ravenous
What is fidelity?
(n.) The state of being faithful; accuracy in details, exactness.
What is fidelity?
His _____ expression showed how highly he valued his own opinions and scorned the views of others.
What is smug?
Synonym of native.
What is inhabitant?
Antonym of progress.
What is setback?
(adj.) having lost the power of feeling or movement; (v.) to dull the feelings of; to cause to lose feeling.
What is numb?
The woods felt very ___ while we were walking in the dark night.
Synonym of blunder.
What is bungle?
What is headstrong?
(n.) a series of notes clarifying or explaining something; an expression of opinion.
What is commentary?
What is bungle?
Synonym of mollify.
What is pacify?
Antonym of stupid.
What is acute?
(n.) A brief statement giving a general view of some subject, book, etc.; a summary.
What is synopsis?
When my two sisters began their bitter quarrel, only Mother had enough nerve to enter the ____ and tell them to stop.
What is fray?