Lingering deep sadness that sticks around.
What is persistent sadness?
When it becomes hard to concentrate or make decisions
What is difficulty concentrating?
Start by offering nonjudgmental listening.
What is active listening?
Help out with small tasks that might feel overwhelming during tough times.
What is offering practical help?
When activities that once sparked joy no longer do.
What is loss of interest in activities?
Overwhelming feelings of guilt or worthlessness
What is feeling worthless or excessive guilt?
Encourage them to share their feelings openly when they are ready
What is encouraging open dialogue?
Encourage healthy habits.
What is promoting self-care?
Noticing changes in your sleep either too much or too little.
What are sleep disturbances?
Increased irritability or restlessness
What is irritability or restlessness?
Suggest they speak with a trusted adult or mental health professional for guidance.
What is recommending professional help?
Practice patience and understand them.
What is showing ongoing patience and understanding?
A sudden change in appetite or weight
What is change in appetite/weight?
Pulling away from friends and family
What is social withdrawal?
Regular check-ins can show you care and help them feel less isolated.
What is consistent support?
Validate their feelings instead of dismissing them.
What is offering emotional validation?
Feeling constantly drained or unusually tired even after rest
What is low energy or fatigue?
Experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide
What are suicidal thoughts?
Offer to accompany them to an appointment if they feel nervous or overwhelmed.
What is providing supportive companionship?
Help them build a network of support by connecting them with others who care.
What is connecting them with a supportive community?