This is the first sense a baby acquires after birth
What is touch
This is the average age a baby begins to crawl
What is between 6-10 months
This is the maximum recommended screen time for each age group:
2 and under
2 to 5
What is 0 hours (2 and under), 60 minutes (2-5), 120 minutes (5+)
This is what disposable diapers are called in the UK
What are nappies
The average pregnancy lasts this long
What is 40 weeks
Babies are born without these
What are kneecaps
This is the preferred discipline method for young children
What is re-direction
It is important to encourage physical activity for optimal child development. Children ages 6-17 need this much per day
What is 60 minutes
What is the colour pink
Women are recommended to consume this many extra calories during her third trimester
What is 500 calories
At this age, babies can smile socially
What is 6 to 8 weeks old
A 2-year old child should have this many words in their vocabulary that you can recognize
What are 50 words
It is recommended that preschoolers (children ages 3-5) get this many hours of sleep in a 24 hour period
What is 10-13 hours
This was the most significant attraction at Khloe Kardashian's baby shower
What are flower elephants
This is the scientific term for when a sperm and an ovum unite
What is a zygote
A newborn baby can see this far
What is 8 to 14 inches
What is 8 months
This is the best way to encourage children to be physically active
What is role modeling
This is the highest number of children born to one woman
What is 69; Valentina Vassilyev holds the record for the most children birthed. She gave birth to a total of 69 children – sixteen pairs of twins, seven sets of triplets and four sets of quadruplets – between 1725 and 1765, a total of 27 births
Some new parents believe that eating this helps prevent postpartum depression. They prepare it in several ways, like making a smoothie out of it or putting it in capsule form
What is the placenta
In the 1920s, many parents believed that this tendency meant that their child was evil and deviant
What is left-handed tendency
This movement advocates raising children diaper-free from birth using this technique
What is Elimination Communication
These are the four types of parenting styles
What are authoritative, authoritarian, permissive, and neglectful
This popular trend uses a post-partum related product and turns it into jewelry
What is breastmilk or placenta
This is termed a ___________, when the umbilical cord is left uncut and attached to the placenta for about 3–10 days after birth
What is a lotus birth