USA States
What Animal
Am I?
Name the 20th Century Movie
Texas History

In the Bible it says that before there was anything, there was who or what?




Answer: God


Missouri is bordered to the south by which state?





Answer: Arkansas

Missouri borders Arkansas to the south and Iowa to the north. Colorado and Minnesota do not border Missouri.


I am an Australian marsupial, not usually hopping slowly.
When I have a baby, it's always called joey.

What am I?





Answer: kangaroo

The opossum and the bandicoot are also marsupials.


1. Which 1915 film, one of the first ever blockbuster movie titles, was directed by D.W. Griffith?

 The Miracle Man


 Birth of a Nation


Answer: Birth of a Nation

"Birth of a Nation" was the first film released on 12-reel film in the US. Set during the US Civil War, it debuted in February 1915 and was a huge success, making more than $10 million in its first year of release (although this amount is debated given that records were not kept as accurately as they are today).


The Nickname given to Sam Houston by the Cherokee Indians was _____________.

 Running Dear

 Black Raven

 Big Ox

 Ten Bears

Answer: Black Raven

Sam Houston ran away from home to live with the Cherokees.


What did God do on the fourth day of Creation?

 He created the sun, moon, and stars

 He created animals

 He created the first man, Adam


Answer: He created the sun, moon, and stars

In the book of Genesis it says: 'God created man and animals on the sixth day, He created day and night on the first day, and He created the sun, moon, and stars on the fourth day.'


How many American states border Mexico?





Answer: 4

Mexico borders four American states: California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. The US-Mexico border is about 3,169 km long.


I am usually seen in historical pictures, sometimes on a farm,
People may be scared of my height, but I usually mean them no harm.
I can be many different colors, maybe brown, black, white, or red
I sometimes stay in a barn, a stable, or a shed.
I can be short, but I can be tall too,
And I whinny or neigh when I call to you!

What am I?





Answer: horse

Horses are often seen in old war paintings or farm pictures. I have heard of a lot of people being scared of them, but they are usually gentle animals.


2. Which of these films was a silent feature set in World War I?


 The Jazz Singer


 The King of Kings

Answer: Wings

"Wings" is well known as the first winner of the Academy Award's Best Picture, and featured a combination of war action, drama and romance. It was ahead of its time in a number of ways, being one of the first films to depict two men kissing, to include nudity, and to achieve some impressive air combat sequences.


Which Spanish explorer took over for DeSoto and explored much of east Texas?




 de Vaca

Answer: Moscoso

DeSoto died of a high fever at the Mississippi River. Luis Moscoso assumed command.


Where did Adam and Eve live before they disobeyed God?

Answer:  (Three Words)

Answer: Garden of Eden

The Garden of Eden was the most beautiful place in the world. There was tons of food, animals, and Adam and Eve were happy - until Eve ate fruit from the only tree God had said not to eat from. A serpent tricked her. Adam ate the fruit, too, and God made them leave the Garden of Eden. They were the first people to disobey God.


 How many states do NOT border another state?





Answer: 2

Two American states do not border any other American state: Alaska and Hawaii. Missouri and Tennessee have the most borders (each with eight states).


I can be many striped colors - orange or white to name a few,
I may be a cat, but I definitely don't say "mew".

What am I?





Answer: tiger

The tiger is the biggest of all in the feline family. They can be many shades of brown, white, or sometimes even orange or red, always having stripes.


3. Which of these animated films featured an evil queen?


 Song of the South


 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Answer: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", the well-known fairy tale about a princess who narrowly escapes bring murdered by an evil queen, was the first fully CEL (hand-drawn) animated feature film. Released in 1937, it made over $8 million at the box office, making it the most successful (non-silent) film at the time, and adjusting for inflation, one of the best-selling films in history.


Who wrote the Texas Declaration of Independence?




 de Zavala

Answer: Childress


 What did Noah build the ark out of?

 gopher wood

 maple wood



Answer: gopher wood

God instructed Noah and his wife to build the ark out of gopher wood. (Genesis 6:14). This wood is not one that is known to us in the modern world, but is thought by many to be cypress, or perhaps a pitched wood, lamination making the boat stronger and less leaky.


Lincoln is the capital city of what state?





nswer: Nebraska

Lincoln is the capital city of Nebraska. Ohio's capital city is Columbus. California's capital city is Sacramento. Topeka is the capital city of Kansas.


I am a very dull creature,
Really lazy and really slow.
Judging from "Ice Age",
I've been around since long ago.
I am often seen hanging upside down from a tree,
And I have very sharp claws, so don't mess with me!

What am I?





Answer: sloth

Sloths are so slow that it has been known for algae to grow on their fur! As for the "Ice Age" line, I was referring to Sid the sloth from the movie, who was not nearly as lazy as some of his real-life cousins.


4. Which Judy Garland musical film from 1948 included the song "We're a Couple of Swells"?

 Easter Parade

 Meet Me in St Louis

 The Wizard of Oz

 Babes in Arms

Answer: Easter Parade

"Easter Parade" starred Judy Garland and Fred Astaire. It follows the story of Don, who takes on a young, inexperienced and clumsy dancer and attempts to turn her into a star. Given its box office success, film company MGM moved quickly to pair the stars together in another film, "The Barkleys of Broadway". Unfortunately the two never ended up completing another movie: Garland was soon replaced by Ginger Rogers after the studio suspended her for frequent absences, thought to be due to her troubles with alcohol and drugs.


 Which Texas hero was arrested and sent to prison in Mexico city?

 Sam Houston

 David Burnet

 James Bonham

 Stephen Austin

Answer: Stephen Austin

Austin was released from the clutches of the Mexican government on Christmas Day.


Which was the first animal to explore the world outside the ark?





Answer: raven

When it had been a very long time, and the flood started to go down, Noah sent out a raven to see if there was any dry land. The raven came back with nothing. Noah waited a while and then sent out a dove. It brought back an olive branch. Noah then knew the water was lowering.


Which of these states does Virginia NOT border?


 West Virginia


 South Carolina

Answer: South Carolina

Virginia borders five American states: Tennessee, Maryland, West Virginia, North Carolina, and Kentucky. South Carolina doesn't share a border with Virginia, but it does touch North Carolina and Georgia.


. I sometimes make squeaks or clicks,
And I swim in the ocean.
I can be blue or grey,
And I'm a mammal in motion.

What am I?





Answer: dolphin

Dolphins are very smart and energetic creatures. They are some of the smallest known mammals living in the oceans anywhere.


5. What is the name of the Alfred Hitchcock film about a man who breaks his leg, and ends up witnessing some suspicious activity in his neighbours' backyard while he recuperates?

Answer:  (Two words)

5. What is the name of the Alfred Hitchcock film about a man who breaks his leg, and ends up witnessing some suspicious activity in his neighbours' backyard while he recuperates?


 (Two words)

Answer: Rear Window

Many critics acclaim "Rear Window" as one of Hitchcock's best. The film starts out as a fairly average drama, but quickly builds as more characters, including the man's girlfriend and his nurse, become involved in the mystery. This was one of Hitchcock's early thrillers, bring released in 1954, prior to other classics such as "Psycho" and "The Birds".


Santa Anna was one of the first to introduce this to the United States?



 chewing gum

 hair gel

Answer: chewing gum

Santa Anna would often chew on a rubbery substance called chicle. Flavor was later added to create chewing gum.


How many sons did Jacob have?





Answer: 12

Jacob had twelve sons, and his favorite was Joseph. He loved him so much, he gave him a multi-colored coat, which would have been a very expensive present.


7. What is the southernmost continental state?





Answer: Florida

Florida is a peninsula. It is also the only American state that starts with the letter "F".


There are many cartoons that are based on me,
To name a couple, there's Mickey and Minnie!
I am small and usually white or grey,
And I may live in your house or in a field in the hay.

What am I?





Answer: mouse

A mouse is a small animal, classified as a rodent. They can be pests, sometimes eating crops or spreading diseases. And while many people think they are herbivores, they are actually omnivores (they eat both meat and plants), having been known to eat the dead bodies of other mice in cases of starvation.


6. Which 1964 musical starring Julie Andrews included animation mixed with real life characters in some of its sequences?

 Mary Poppins

 Thoroughly Modern Millie

 The Sound of Music

 Victor Victoria

Answer: Mary Poppins

Julie Andrews won her only Best Actress Oscar for this film. The story follows a family living in early 20th Century England, desperately in need of a nanny after several have quit. Enter the firm but always entertaining Mary Poppins, who faces a big challenge in becoming loved and wanted by all the family members, but ultimately succeeds, leaving everyone a bit better off in the process.


The Davis guards, who fought in Texas during the Civil War, were from what country?

 United States




Answer: Ireland

The Davis Guards protected the Sabine river in the Battle of Sabine Pass.


How many times (total - during the entire siege) did Joshua's army march around the walls of Jericho? (Joshua 6;3,4)





Answer: 13

God told Joshua to march around the walls of Jericho one time each day for six days, and then on the seventh day, march around seven times blowing their horns loudly. That totals thirteen!


8. Which states are directly and entirely south of Idaho?

 Nevada and Utah

 California and New Mexico

 Colorado and Wyoming

 Washington and Montana

Answer: Nevada and Utah

Nevada makes up the western half of land south of Idaho. Utah makes up the eastern half of land. A piece of Wyoming is also south of Idaho, but the entire state itself is not fully south.


I am a close relative of the dog, and I often travel in a pack.
I can be colors of grey, white, or black.

What am I?





Answer: wolf

The domestic dogs of today are descended from wolves. Wolves are not usually found alone. They will more than likely travel in groups called packs.


7. Which single-word film title describes a 1976 Sylvester Stallone film about a sporting hero with a partner named Adrian?

Answer:  (One word)

Answer: Rocky

"Rocky" tells the story of Rocky Balboa, a little known amateur boxer who is chosen to take on world champion Apollo Creed and suddenly becomes a household name. The film exceeded the expectations of many, making more money at the US box office than any other film that year (over $200 million US), despite its tiny budget (about $1 million) and it being shot in less than a month.


Which Texas Revolution battle featured a cannon with the words 'Come and Take It' attached?


 The Alamo

 San Jacinto


Answer: Gonzales

The cannon was only 21 inches!


Shadrach, Meshach, and _________ were saved from a fiery furnace.




Answer: Abednego

When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego didn't pray to a large idol, the King of Babylon's strongest soldiers tied them up and threw them into a large, hot furnace. When the King saw that they were standing in the furnace and were not harmed, the King now ordered that 'No one say anything bad about Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's great God!'


10. What state borders Montana to the west?


 South Dakota

 North Dakota


Answer: Idaho

Wyoming is south of Montana. North Dakota and South Dakota are east of Montana.


I am a huge animal, in fact the largest on land,
I can live in a zoo or on the African Savannah's sand.

What am I?


 blue whale



Answer: elephant

Elephants are the largest land animal. They can't jump, but they have been known to like to paint.


8. Which of the "Indiana Jones" films stars Sean Connery as Indiana Jones' father?

 Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

 Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

 Raiders of the Lost Ark

Answer: Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

This third instalment of the series revolves around the search for the famous Holy Grail, with Indiana joining his father on the quest of a lifetime. Interestingly, despite mixed responses from critics, the fourth film ("Crystal Skull") actually performed much better than any of the others in terms of box office receipts.


How did Stephen F. Austin die?


 old age



Answer: pneumonia

Stephen's father, Moses Austin, also died of pneumonia.


Who was thrown into the lions' den?

Answer:  (one word - a name)

Answer: Daniel

When Daniel was caught praying to God (which was forbidden by the King's law), he was thrown into the lions' den. Then an angel came and shut the mouths of the lions. The next day King Darius told everyone about Daniel's great God.


13. Which state is on Vermont's eastern border?Hint

 New Hampshire


 New York


Answer: New Hampshire

Vermont is to the east of New York. Its southern region is bordered by Massachusetts. It does not touch Maine.


 I am small, hoppy and really quick,
I usually live in a hole in a forest where the brush is really thick.
I have long ears and a "cotton" tail,
I am very cute and have a keen sense of smell.

What am I?





Answer: rabbit

Rabbits are indeed very quick and they can jump pretty high. They live in forests in holes or can sometimes be pets.


9. Which 1992 film release could be described largely as a courtroom drama?

 A Few Good Men

 Howards End

 Basic Instinct

 Once Upon a Crime

Answer: A Few Good Men

Aaron Sorkin's film was adapted from his play of the same name. The film's main character is Daniel Caffey, a cheeky Navy lawyer who has never been in a courtroom but suddenly finds himself arguing to keep his defendants from serving life in prison. Sorkin has said to have had the idea for the plot when hearing about a court-martial revolving around the near-death of a US Marine from his sister, who was the defense lawyer in that case.



Which Texas leader attended Transylvania University?

 William Travis

 James Bonham

 Stephen Austin

 Sam Houston

Answer: Stephen Austin

Transylvania University was in Kentucky. Austin studied to be a lawyer.


What was the name of the young man who asked God to make his woolen fleece wet with dew, but the ground to remain dry?Hint





Answer: Gideon

Gideon wanted to make sure he was hearing from God, so on two successive nights he asked for this proof - once this way around, and the other the opposite way around (wet ground and dry fleece).


14. Which state does NOT border Wisconsin?





Answer: Indiana

Wisconsin borders Minnesota, Michigan, Iowa, and Illinois. It also touches Lake Michigan.


I am the last animal,
But not the least.
My babies are called lambs,
I have a thick coat of fleece.

What am I?





Answer: sheep

Sheep are those farm animals that are closely related to goats. Their fleece coats are what wool is made from.


10. Which 1995 film, based around a war of independence, had several gruelling battle scenes?

 Leaving Las Vegas

 Batman Forever

 The Usual Suspects


Answer: Braveheart

"Braveheart" was a film about Scotland's first war of independence with England in the 14th Century. It was directed by Mel Gibson and starred him as the Scottish leader, William Wallace.


Which hero of The Alamo was wanted for murder in South Carolina?

 William Travis

 James Bonham

 Davy Crockett

 James Bowie

Answer: William Travis

Travis left his wife and sons after allegedly murdering a black man in South Carolina.
